Andrei Rudskoi spoke at the “New Horizons” marathon of the Russian Knowledge Society

19 May 2022 Education 528

From May 17 to 19 there is a federal educational marathon «New Horizons,» organized by the Russian Knowledge Society. This year’s event is dedicated to new opportunities for youth. The «New Horizons. Economics» track was attended by Rector of SPbPU, RAS Academician Andrei Rudskoi.

Andrei Rudskoi spoke about the achievements and developments of the Polytechnic University

The marathon brought together more than 150 prominent Russian and foreign speakers: figures of science, culture, art, sports, business leaders and statesmen. In the formats of discussions, lectures, master classes, interviews and open dialogues, experts discuss various topics: success stories, Russia’s role in the world, modern geopolitical processes, new opportunities for development in business, science, technology, culture, art, sports, etc. The marathon involves 12,000 schoolchildren and students from all over the country. The program includes five thematic tracks: «Russia’s Role in the World» (Moscow, VDNH), «We are Together» (Moscow, the studio of the Russian Knowledge Society), «New Horizons. Economy» (St. Petersburg, ExpoForum), «New Horizons. Science» (Sochi, studio of the Russian Knowledge Society), «New Horizons. Information technology» (Moscow region, site of the Russian Internet Forum).

On May 18th experts of the «New Horizons» marathon in St. Petersburg discussed the stability of the Russian financial system, the emergence of the digital ruble in Russia, the importance of creative industries for the economy, current forecasts for the development of various areas of production, import substitution.

Andrei Rudskoi spoke about the importance of higher education institutions for the development of the economy

Rector of SPbPU, RAS Academician Andrei Rudskoi spoke on the «Scientific Breakthrough — Fast Implementation: How Universities Create Successful Market Products». He pointed out the importance of universities for economic development and emphasized that today science is in great demand in the industrial sphere. Speaking about Polytechnic University, the rector said that the institution was created to train the engineering elite for the economy of our country. The greatest happiness for a development engineer is to see the fruits of his labor in a real product, in technology, he said.

Andrei Rudskoi presented the activities of the New Production Technologies Center of the National Technological Initiative, which develops world-class solutions for Russian high-tech companies: from 2018 to 2021, more than 22 thousand specialists were trained on the basis of the NTI Center. To date, dozens of projects for the real sector of the economy have been implemented thanks to the NTI Center.

Among the latest achievements and developments of SPbPU, the rector named unique aircraft engines, the «KAMA-1» electric car made on the basis of digital twin technology and science-intensive platform solutions. Andrei Rudskoi said that the electric car was developed from scratch, in record time, without any predecessor prototype with a classical engine. Speaking about the coronavirus pandemic, Andrei Rudskoi spoke in detail about the joint work with the Smorodintsev Research Institute of Influenza at the Research Center for Immunobiotechnology and Gene Therapy at the Institute of Biomedical Systems and Biotechnologies at SPbPU. Specialists are engaged in the study of systemic processes in the cell associated with the development of viral infections, the development of a fundamentally new class of vaccine preparations based on self-replicating matrix RNA. They are already testing a nasal vaccine against coronavirus.

 At the end of the speech, Andrei Rudskoi answered questions from the audience

The Rector of SPbPU also spoke about the concept of engineering education in Russia, the creation of industry laboratories and educational and scientific technological centers at enterprises to train engineers and other nuances in this sphere.

At the end of his speech Andrei Rudskoi answered questions from the audience concerning future projects of Polytechnic University, activities of the University in conditions of the coronavirus pandemic, and other questions.

Prepared by SPbPU Public Relations Department

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