Traditional and Alternative Energy: German Experts shared their Experience in SPbPU

25 April 2015 International activities 997

The opening of the exhibition "Renewables-MadeinGermany" on April 24, 2015 became the main event in a series of events that took place at Peter the Great Saint Petersburg Polytechnic University within the framework of the 12th German Week in Saint Petersburg.

Traditional and Alternative Energy: German Experts shared their Experience in SPbPU
Traditional and Alternative Energy: German Experts shared their Experience in SPbPU

The technological exhibition "Renewables-Madein Germany" has been developed at the initiative of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi) and the German Energy Agency (dena). The exhibition is presented in Russia for the first time. It acquaints visitors in an accessible form with the main types of renewable energy and the advantages of different technologies of its production, some principles of the operation of these technologies and the conditions of their use, high-tech innovations in this field.

The President of SPbPU, the Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Mikhail Petrovich Fedorov addressed to the guests with his welcoming speech before the opening of the exhibition: "Today's event proclaims the idea of an increased use of renewable sources of energy. Here are the prominent German experts and our scientists - Professors A.N. Chusov, V.I. Maslikov, V.V. Yelistratov, who work in the field of renewable energy. I hope our meeting will be a great impetus to the use of alternative energy sources in Russia.

Katrin Wendermann, Deputy Consul General of Germany noted that the "Weeks of Germany" has become an integral part of public life in Saint Petersburg. She thanked Saint Petersburg City Government and Russian partners for their assistance in its organization. "We hold more than 90 cultural, scientific and economic events and we are pleased that despite the political difficulties, the Russian-German cooperation continues. As for the exhibition, which opens today at Saint Petersburg Polytechnic University, the subject of this event is global and it will become more and more important over time," concluded Mrs. Wendermann.

Traditional and Alternative Energy: German Experts shared their Experience in SPbPU
Traditional and Alternative Energy: German Experts shared their Experience in SPbPU

Marin Crispin, on behalf of the German House for Research and Innovation (DWIH) and The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) in Moscow, welcomed guests and reported about the purpose of participating in this event: "We wish to demonstrate innovative energy technologies developed in Germany. I am convinced that it is necessary to promote the cooperation of Russian and German scientists, especially in the field of energy efficiency. Today we are going to represent our inventions and use the opportunity to engage in dialogue."

After a small buffet, which allowed having a look at the exhibition in an informal atmosphere, Professor Johannes Janika (Technical University of Darmstadt) delivered a lecture on the issue: «Alternative Energy in Germany: the Outlook for Energy and Research of Combustion Processes". Mr. Janika stated the political, economic and ecological preconditions of fundamental changes concerning the power supply system of Germany. In addition, he described an "Energy Transition" (Germ."Energiewende"), which implies a total phase-out of atomic energy by 2022, reducing emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2) to 85-90% by 2050, increasing the proportion of energy obtained from renewable sources up to 90% of the total energy supply of the country and achieving sustainable energy conservation in all branches.

The round table organised by the Hamburg Chamber of Commerce in Saint Petersburg was devoted to the rational use of energy in manufacturing industry. The scientists from the Institute of Сivil Engineering (N.Vatin, A. Chusov, E. Negulyaev, V. Yelistratov), the Institute of Energy and Transport Systems (N.Zabelin, M. Smirnov), as well as the representatives of the organizations and companies of Saint Petersburg and Germany took part in it. They tried to figure out whether it was possible to apply the experience of German colleagues in the field of industrial energy efficiency in our country. The representatives of energy efficiency centres in the Northwestern region told about the implementation of the regional program in the field of energy saving. Industrial plants of Saint Petersburg and Germany shared their experience in energy saving technologies. During the discussion, the participants talked over the possible changes in the Russian legislation, the problems associated with the implementation of energy saving projects and incentives of manufacturing industry that are necessary to successfully implement the State Russian program "Energy Saving and Energy Efficiency for the Period up to the Year 2020".

Traditional and Alternative Energy: German Experts shared their Experience in SPbPU
Traditional and Alternative Energy: German Experts shared their Experience in SPbPU

In conclusion, another event that is not related to the subject of the previous events, but no less important to our University should be noted. In order to implement programs for an effective network and strategic interaction of Saint Petersburg Polytechnic University with German public organizations, universities and companies, an information seminar was held in the International Relations Supply Center. The Heads of SPbPU international services (D. Arseniev, V. Khizhnyak, E. Nikonchuk), as well as the staff of Departments and other units of the University discussed with the representatives from German Universities the issues of expanding cooperation in the field of Engineering Sciences with the assistance of the German Research Foundation (DFG).

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