What Polytechnic University is up to for the German Week in St. Petersburg

3 April 2018 International activities 2161

Polytechnic University is a traditional participant of the broad-scale international event named the “German week in St Petersburg,” which this year will take place in April 18-26, 2018. This year, the Week promises to be particularly grandiose; its official partner is the Federal State of Bavaria, a land rich in traditions. For this reason, on April 19, Polytechnic University will open its doors to the representatives of a stately delegation of the Bavarian Ministry of Economy, Mass Media, Power, and Technologies.

What Polytechnic University is up to for the German Week in St. Petersburg

April 20 will be one of the most intensive for SPbPU days within the frame of the Week. Three different events will take place at the Big Conference Hall of the Polytechnic R&D Complex. At 10:30, Professor Wolfgang Ertmer, Laureate of the Leibnitz Award (one of the most prestigious individual awards of the German Research Foundation (DFG) – author’s note) will give a talk on the Quantum Metrology at the Quantum Frontiers. The Professor will tell about the importance of the quantum physics for modern society and the unbelievable break-through in the quantum physics in the recent times thanks to the studies of ultracold quantum gases. The lecture will be of interest for postgraduate students, professors, researchers, scholars, etc. Upon its completion at 12:00 pm, the scholar will invite the guests for a standing reception where he would also answer the questions of his listeners.

The possibilities of academic partnerships in various fields of physics, concepts of DFG development and strategies of its further activities, information about financing researches in Russia and Germany, bilateral projects and support to young scholars in Russia and Germany will be the topics of the information seminar which will start and 1:00 pm and thus continue the intensive program of the day. You can address your questions to the DFG Vice President and the Head of the DFG Office in Russia Ms.Wilma Rethage. Access to the lecture and seminar is by preliminary registration with no limitations.

The regional round of the “Falling Walls Lab” Contest will start at 3:30 pm (it is taking place in St. Petersburg for the first time ever.) Young scholars will present their research projects and innovation ideas in various fields. By the outcomes of all presentations, the expert commission will choose the winner who will take part in the final round of the “Falling Walls Lab” in Berlin. You are welcome to come to support the speakers. Entrance is free; please make sure you register beforehand.

What Polytechnic University is up to for the German Week in St. Petersburg

On April 24, from 12:00 pm to 2:00 pm, a webinar called “Double Diploma as a Double Success!” will take place at the Resource Center of the 16th academic building. Polytechnic University and its long-term strategic partner, the Leibnitz University of Hannover (Leibniz Universität Hannover), will present a case acknowledged by the European academic community as one of the best examples of practices in the sphere of internationalization of educational programs. “International services of both universities have applied lots of efforts to elaborate existing and create their own instruments allowing to implement the strategy of cooperation with our German partners in an efficient and high-performance way, which in many aspects is quite unique,” SPbPU Vice Rector on International Activities D.G. ARSENYEV pointed out. Please register to attend the webinar (it is open to public). .

For reference:

The German week in St Petersburg has been taking place each year since 2003. In the last years, the event has got a reputation of an efficient site for a direct and multifaceted dialogue between citizens of Russia and Germany. Organizers of the Week are the Consulate General of the Federative Republic of Germany, Goethe Institute in St. Petersburg, and the Northwest Branch of the Russian-German Trade Chamber. More than fifty German organizations, entrepreneurs, and institutions contributed to organization of this broad-scale event, including: the German Services of Academic Exchanges (DAAD), Gartow Foundation, Hamburg Club, German School in St. Petersburg, Center for Studies of Germany and Europe, German-Russian Center for Meetings, and many other. Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University is a traditional participant of the Week.

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