Russian–Finnish seminar at SPbPU

2 June 2016 International activities 1047

On May 26, a Russian–Finnish seminar dedicated to the cross-border cooperation between South-East Finland and Russia ENI 2014–2020 was held at SPbPU in association with Lappeenranta University of Technology (LUT) as part of the International Polytechnic Week.

Russian–Finnish seminar at SPbPU

The Russian–Finnish seminar is part of a cycle of training events "Project Work School" organized by the international offices of SPbPU for the university staff who are working on scientific projects with foreign partners.

In his opening speech, Vice-Rector for International Relations D. G. ARSENIEV stressed that LUT is a long-term priority partner of SPbPU not only in the Nordic countries, but on the global scale as well. The strategic partnership between the two universities is rapidly developing due to such favorable factors as geographical proximity, common interests, and common areas of scientific research.

Russian–Finnish seminar at SPbPU

The participants of the meeting agreed that the program of cross-border cooperation opens up great opportunities for launching new projects in the regions where SPbPU and LUT are the key scientific and educational organizations.

It is worth noting that the event aroused great interest among the target audience. A representative delegation from LUT came to the Polytechnic University to take part in the seminar. The event was also attended by 40 members of SPbPU staff and delegates from the St. Petersburg Mining University and the Ioffe Institute.

Principal speaker G. M. PSAREV, Expert of the Joint Management Body of the Program of cross-border cooperation between South-East Finland and Russia, described the current state of the project and explained the rules and requirements of the new program period. In his speech, the expert also outlined the experience of the previous 2007–2013 program period and pointed out the important innovations that must be taken into account during the preparation of project applications.

Russian–Finnish seminar at SPbPU

In the second part of the seminar, G. M. Psarev gave a lecture on the development of project logframe, aiming to improve the qualifications of prospective applicants. Logframe development is an integral part in the preparation of a project application, and the applicant's competence in this field can greatly enhance the quality of the project application.

Throughout the seminar, the research teams of SPbPU and LUT actively discussed the possibility of submitting applications for joint projects implemented under the Program of cross-border cooperation ENI 2014–2020.

All presentations and materials on this event can be found on the SPbPU website in the Useful Information section.

International Relations Office

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