Congratulation of Rector A.I. Rudskoy on Russian Students Day

25 January 2016 1126

Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University is rich in traditions. One of them it to celebrated the Day of St. Tatiana – martyr and patron saint of students.

This wonderful holiday combines two important intentions: memory about the stoicism of St. Tatiana who faithfully defended Christian faith in the 3rd century and enlightenment – it was on the Angel Day of all orthodox Tatianas, which is celebrated on 25 January according to the Gregorian calendar, in 1755 Empress Elizabeth of Russia signed a Decree “About Setting Up Moscow University”. Since then St. Tatiana has been patron of all students.

I am sure that every new generation of the Polytechnicians is talented. They spend the best years of their life in our university as they are getting higher education. Here, in this sanctuary of sciences they gain knowledge, develop leadership qualities, learn to be professionals and finally become top-ranked, in-demand experts. To a large extent their success is also an achievement of the older generation of the Polytechnicians – teachers, tutors and mentors, who always strive to give the young people only the best. I wish that you and the university’s students may deserve the proud name of “Polytechnician” and contribute to development and prosperity of our nation. Let the ambition to be the best in everything be your essential life rule – never lose the stimulus for learning and keep raising your education level throughout your life!

It is true that the main objective of a student is to study. But at university you may fulfill your potential in different fields – in research and in creativity, in sport and volunteering. For all Polytechnicians the student youth is the most memorable period of life, full of events and happy moments. So I wish that this time may become fruitful, that your weekdays may be full not only of hard-working and gaining knowledge, but also rich in valuable human interaction. Be proud of the name of Polytechnician and always remember that your alma mater is your ticket to a successful future. Learn, dare, love, value true friendship and enjoy your youth as students. Keep light and faith in your hearts and conquer new peaks!

Most of you have already taken your exams and are on winter holidays since today. So I hope that all the students will enjoy their rest and use it to recharge batteries for learning new skills next semester!

A. I. Rudskoy, Rector SPbPU

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