Best students celebrated the birthday of their alma mater at the ball

25 February 2018 University life 2328

February 19 is a special day in the history of our university: 119 years ago, by an order of S.Yu. WITTE, Minister of Finance of the Russian Empire, St. Petersburg Polytechnic Institute was founded. Traditionally, this event is celebrated with a gala ball to which the best SPbPU students are invited with their companions. This time, more than 100 dance couples of gifted and goal-oriented girls and boys waltzed on the historical parquet of the Fundamental Library.

Best students celebrated the birthday of their alma mater at the ball

According to the ceremony, the ball started with the anthem of our University followed by the record of the address of the first director of Polytechnic Institute Prince A.G. GAGARIN Prince GAGARIN had greeted the first Polytechnic students in exactly these words: "In our eyes, you are the future and the hope of Russia." The mission of the university, which Prince Gagarin formulated 119 years ago, remains quite essential in our days.

Best students celebrated the birthday of their alma mater at the ball
Best students celebrated the birthday of their alma mater at the ball

Starting the ball, leaders of the University warmly greeted the present generation of Polytechnic students. Vice Rector on Research Vitaliy V. SERGEYEV addressed the students. "To be a Polytechnic alumnus is more than just getting education here; it means to become a member of a big family. Never mind where you happen to be, a Polytechnic alumnus would always be a dear and akin person," the Vice Rector said.

Best students celebrated the birthday of their alma mater at the ball

Students' achievements in education and science open enormous prospects to them. Many of the students can already impress with personal scholarships, grants, and implemented projects. Right on the stage, the Vice Rector on Research awarded with diplomas and gifts the best of the best, those who had most brilliantly displayed themselves through 2017.

Best students celebrated the birthday of their alma mater at the ball

For example, postgraduate student of the Department of Physics of Semiconductors and Nanoelectronics, IPN&T, Ivan Makhov, not only has he been for two years the holder of an RF President scholarship, he also is the leader of a state order grant of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia. The young scholar is motivated by the grand and noble mission to make sure that the unique results achieved by the laboratory staff were broadly used in practice, i.e., in health care, industry, and even the security sphere

Best students celebrated the birthday of their alma mater at the ball
Best students celebrated the birthday of their alma mater at the ball

Recipient of the Medal of the Russian Academy of Sciences graduate student of IAMM Dmitry TRETYAKOV was also one of the university awardees. For three years, within the frame of an RNF grant, together with the staff of the Department of Mechanics and Control Processes he had been engaged in the researches in the sphere of ultra-sound diagnostics. Dmitry was in charge of the entire scope of experimental work; at 24, he is already author of 35 scholarly articles.

Best students celebrated the birthday of their alma mater at the ball

The Orchestra of the Peter the Great Naval College and disciples of the Polyvoks studio of academic and pop vocalism helped to create the festive atmosphere of the ball.

Best students celebrated the birthday of their alma mater at the ball
Best students celebrated the birthday of their alma mater at the ball

Each year, the traditional ball timed with the university's birthday gets more and more solemn and beautiful. To a big extent it is so thanks to the young people themselves: they dress up, young men wearing suits and young ladies in evening gowns. "As if this all is taking us back, into the atmosphere of the 18th - 19th centuries; the most important thing is that the very event of the ball is absolutely in the spirit of St. Petersburg. It is so pleasant to be in the company of young, talented, smart, beautiful, and civilized young people," graduate student of IAPT Margarita MURZINA, a novice of the ball, shared her impressions. After a waltz and mazurka, and even the traditional "thread-the-needle," the dancers moved to more advanced genres and showed their full force at the disco: the ball ended with lively dances to the most popular hits.

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