Alumni Center
Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University is rightfully considered one of the flagships of Russian education and science; it enjoys well-deserved respect among Russian and foreign universities. Our alumni not only have quality education meeting all international standards. They also maintain the existing and create new traditions of their alma mater. All sorts of unions of our graduates take part in these processes. In 2014, the SPbPU Alumni Center was established. It operates in the following spheres:
- Alumni consolidation;
- Preservation and augmentation of scientific and cultural traditions;
- Enhancement of the SPbPU reputation and competitiveness in the global university community.

A solid foundation for maintaining contacts with the university, best practices exchange, implementation of the professional and scientific potential of graduates, the Center assures the inextricable connection with alma mater, the possibility of being always in the course of university’s current activities.
We are proud of our graduates and invite all of them to join the close-knit family of Polytechnic alumni. Stay in touch with the future of your university!
The Center formatted a collective of employees: these are Deputy Directors of institutes, each responsible for the contacts with graduates of their institutes. Organization of the work with alumni as a whole is structured on a network base. The Alumni Center operates on the basis of interaction of each institute with its graduates under the following scheme: institute deputy director – departments’ contacts – curators of courses – graduates.
The Center is holding a whole complex of events for the alumni, embracing students (future alumni): business and ceremonial events within the frame of the university, institutes and departments (seminars, lectures, master-classes, exhibits, tours, jubilees of institutes and departments, etc.); graduation ceremonies; issuance of souvenirs, electronic and print materials, including books and magazines dedicated to particular alumni, etc.
Registration in the alumni database
We are proud of our graduates and invite all of them to join the close-knit family of Polytechnic alumni.
Stay in touch with the future of your university!
- +7 (812) 591-66-81
- 195251 St. Petersburg, #29 Polytechnicheskaya Str., MEB, r. 147