Visa Support
Foreign nationals arriving to Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University, RF, from foreign countries, including CIS and the Baltic countries, must apply for migration registration to the Passport and Visa Department of the University.
- Russia, 195220, St.Petersburg, Grazhdansky pr., 30, Unified center for foreign citizens (1st floor)
- +7 (812) 606-62-35
- +7 (812) 534-32-22
- Visiting hours: 9:30-13:30 and 14:00-17:30, weekdays
Each foreign national intending to enroll to Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University must receive an official Visa Invitation Letter for entry to the Russian Federation provided by the University through the Federal Migration Service Directorate (FMSD) for St. Petersburg and Leningrad Region. On the basis of the Invitation Letter, Russian Federation diplomatic missions or consulates will issue the foreign national a student visa for the period up to 3 months with the option of its following extension and issuance of a multi-entry visa at the Passport and Visa Department of the University.
A student visa shall contain the following information:
- Last name, first name (in Cyrillic and Latin letters)
- Date of birth
- Gender and nationality (citizenship)
- Number of the identification document certifying the identity of the foreign national or stateless person
- Date of visa issuance
- Permitted duration of stay in the Russian Federation
- Number of the Invitation Letter for entry to the Russian Federation
- Validity of the visa must comply with the Invitation Letter for entry to the Russian Federation issued by the FMSD
- Purpose of the visit must be indicated as “study,” “internship,” or “postgraduate study”
- Name of the university (e.g., Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University)
- Information about the inviting organization
- Number of entries granted (single entry, double entry, or multiple entry)
- Date of the entrance for studies must be no later than 20 days before the visa expiration date.
All data in the visa must be fully compliant with the passport data.
2.1. When arriving to Russia, at a border checkpoint each foreign national (stateless person) is required to receive a Migration Card and complete it in precise compliance with their passport data and, where required, underline study as the purpose of entry.
2.2. The foreign national must keep the exit part of the Migration Card (part "B") bearing a mark confirming the entry during the entire period of staying in the territory of the Russian Federation.
2.3. Each international student must register with the University Passport and Visa Department within 3 working days upon arriving in Russia and receive a form of notification of the arrival of a foreign national to the place of staying.
2.4. A foreign national staying in a rented apartment must register with the Russian FMS individually, through the apartment owner, at the Multifunctional Center (MFC) and within 7 days present the form of notification to the University Passport and Visa Department.
2.5. Upon failure to timely register with the Federal Migration Service, such foreign national will be subject to penalties with possible following deportation from the Russian Federation.
3.1. Each international student must take care of his/her documents and abide the rules of stay of foreign nationals in Russia.
3.2. In case of loss or damage of the passport, migration card, or form of notification, the foreign national must apply to the Passport and Visa Department within three days.
3.3. No later than 30 days before expiration of their migration registration, each international student must apply to the Passport and Visa Department for the extension of their migration registration. No later than 45 days before expiration of the visa, each international student must apply to the Passport and Visa Department for the extension of their visa.
3.4. In case if an international student violated regulations of migration registration (applied for extension of migration registration or visa on the date of expiry or later), such student will be expelled from the University and deported from Russia with a transit visa to their home country on the basis of a court decision, with payment of penalty and a ban on entry the Russian Federation for up to 5 years.
3.5. Migration registration at a temporary place of stay/residence is terminated the moment an international student crosses the border of the Russian Federation, or checks in to the hotel in other than St. Petersburg place in Russia for more than 7 days. Such student must report to the Passport and Visa Department and register with the migration service anew.
3.6. Migration registration is terminated if an international student checked in to a hotel in St. Petersburg; such student must inform the Passport and Visa Department within 3 days and register with the migration service anew.
3.7. Migration registration at a temporary place of stay/residence is terminated if an international student was hospitalized for even one day. Upon discharge from the hospital, such international student must report to the Passport and Visa Department and register with the migration service anew.

Elena Valentik-Levitskya
- Position:
- Director - Passport and Visa Department
- dmFsZW50X2VnQHNwYnN0dS5ydQ==
- 7 (812) 534-32-22
- 7 (812) 775-05-30, 6503
- Russia, 195220, St.Petersburg, Grazhdansky pr., 30, Unified center for foreign citizens