Distinguished Alumni

She graduated with honors from the SPbPU International Higher School of Management in 2001, majoring in “Management, International Business.” She was a Potanin scholarship holder. Later on, she studied at Said Business School affiliated with Oxford University in the “Oxford Real Estate Program.” Presently, she is Managing Director of the Department of Assets and Investments Management at NAI Becar.

A 1976 graduate of the Higher Technical School at the Leningrad Mechanical Plant (LMZ-VTUZ), he majored in “Machinery and Foundry Engineering.” Presently, he is a Russian statesman, sportive, public, and political figure; President of the International Sambo Federation since 2009; RF State Duma (2003-2016); member of the State Duma on Physical Culture, Sports, and Youth Affairs.

Director General of AO Electronmash, 1991 graduate of the Hydrotechnical Faculty, Department of Offshore and Water Transport Constructions

Head of the Department of Water and Hydrotechnical Engineering, Institute of Civil Engineering, SPbPU

A 1974 graduate of Physics and Metallurgy Faculty of Leningrad Polytechnic Institute, he majored in the “Technology of Special Materials for Electronic Engineering;” Candidate of Technical Sciences.
Presently, he is Deputy Director of the Department of Network of Corporate Entities, Senior Vice President of VTB Bank, member of the Directors Board of the St. Petersburg Currency Exchange and, most important, member of the Polytechnic University Supervisory Committee.
He is a patron of arts, member of the Guardian Council of the SPbPU Endowment Fund.

In 1983, he defended his candidate dissertation on hydro power production and renewable energy sources at Leningrad Polytechnic Institute. For many years, he had been collaborating with Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University on the matters of renewable energy sources, small hydropower in particular; he was also engaged in environmental protection. Since 2011 and up until now, he is an adjunct (professor) at Lublin Catholic University. Since August 2015, he is Deputy Chair of the Coordination Council of the Global Alumni Association in European countries. Frantisek SVITALA has organized more than 10 international conferences and has more than 100 publications. In 2003, he established the Association of St. Petersburg University Alumni and was elected its President; he also is carrying out work on the Association of Polish graduates of Soviet and Russian universities

She graduated from the Faculty of Economies and Management (presently, the SPbPU Institute of Industrial Management and Trade) in 2008 with a Bachelor’s degree and went back to China. At present, she works at a leading Asian agricultural corporation engaged in the production of food products with over 400 industrial enterprises in the region. Since her early years, Hao had been dreaming of a job in the sphere of international trade and was sure that the expertise got at Polytechnic University would help her. “The Polytechnic education gives a potent start for a successful career,” Hao Meifen is sure.

In 2004, he enrolled at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering (now the Institute of Metallurgy, Mechanical Engineering and Transport), the Department of Transport and Technological Systems. Later on, he studied for a Master’s degree in Germany, and in a postgraduate program at Polytechnic University; after that, he was invited to a world-famous automotive company. Presently, Nikita is an employee at the Daimler Corporate Group, works at the department of supply quality control, verifying technical documentation for the components before their being sent in mass production. “Polytechnic University has always been and remains one of the leading technical schools in Russia, and the education I got at SPbPU gave me a forceful fundamental base,” Nikita believes.

A holder of the Master’s degree of the department of International Relations, SPbPU Humanitarian Institute, he presently is a postgraduate student of Polytechnic University and takes an active part in the university’s life. Lee has not once participated in the negotiations with representatives of Chinese organizations as an interpreter, e.g., during the visit of the joint delegation of the Dade Tech Concern and the Inner Mongolia Carbon Valley Technology Corporation Co., representatives of the Administration of the Pudong Region, etc. In addition, Lee was engaged in the preparation of booklets and translation of the materials from Russian into Chinese for the Chinese version of the SPbPU official website. However, the most essential thing that Lee does is helping other students from China to adapt in St. Petersburg. He tells them about the specialties of their interest, helps with finding information about programs on the SPbPU website and websites of its institutes, and with solving various educational issues. In the future, Lee plans to work in the sphere of cooperation between Russia and China in the sphere of cultural exchange and education.

In 2007, he graduated from the SPbPU pre-university training program; in 2011, he received a Bachelor's degree in Applied Informatics at the Faculty of Economics and Management (presently, the Institute of Industrial Management, Economics and Trade).
Huang TINHAO began his career at the Chinese Development and Culture Foundation, where he worked as an assistant to foreign students coming to study in Russia. In 2010, he opened the Globus International recruitment company focusing on the recruitment of foreign students for SPbPU. Today, about 600 students from China studying at SPbPU were recruited with the assistance of the Globus International in SPbPU.
In 2017, Huang Tinhao launched in China a new company, FENG XIANG (SHARE); its main activities are focused on international education. As the graduate of SPbPU notes, his nearest plans are to organize training programs for the enrollment at SPbPU in China.