Over 5000 students from other cities and countries live in dormitories of SPbPU campus. All dormitories are situated not far from the academic buildings of the university and underground stations. The campus is divided in 3 complexes of dormitories: "on Lesnoy prospect", "on Ploshchad Muzhestva" and "on Grazhdansky prospect".

Dormitory buildings were erected in different years of 20-21st centuries. In 2011 house-type dormitory №7 was built in the complex "on Lesnoy prospect", in 2015 comfortable dormitory №8 was placed into service in the complex "on Ploshchad Muzhestva". In SPbPU campus dormitories students live with 2, 3 or 4 persons in each room. A person can enter the dormitory only using their pass. All buildings are equipped with the access control systems and emergency voice alarm communication systems. The majority of dormitories have interior and exterior video surveillance systems.

Generally foreign university students live in two-room fully-accommodated living blocks in dormitory of complex "on Grazhdansky prospect" and in the new dormitory №8 of complex "on Ploshchad Muzhestva".
During the period of admission tests foreign applicants are given rooms in dormitories.
For guests and business partners of SPbPU as well as parents and guests of students and applicants there is an opportunity to live in superior hostel rooms of the campus. Regarding room reservation and guests’ accommodation apply for the administration of the secondary service complex.

For students to live a comfortable, active and interesting life in dormitories there are tennis and fitness rooms, classrooms, launderettes, broadband Internet and digital TV access. Dormitories have free Wi-Fi zones. There are also sportsgrounds, sports clubs and a student union on the campus territory. Various tournaments on mini-football, ping-pong, chess and other sport events are held every year and over 20 dormitory teams participate in them.
The living costs for international students enrolled on basic education programs - 5000 to 7000 rubles. The cost depends on the dormitory and comfort conditions.