Students' Communities
The Students' Club of the Polytechnic University is a structural unit of the SPbPU Department of Youth Creativity and Cultural Programs. The Club aims to enable social adjustment and effective self-fulfillment and bolster the creative potential of SPbPU students for the benefit of their future careers.
Primary objectives of the SPbPU Students' Club are to help SPbPU students enable their self-fulfillment, implement socially important for students’ initiatives, support students’ talents, and preserve historical and cultural SPbPU traditions.
For decades, the Students' Club has been uniting numerous creative teams, organizing concerts, festivals, and various competitions. It is currently one of the major students' clubs in St. Petersburg.
Over 20 Students' Communities operate and grow within the Students' Club, so any student is able to find something interesting, be it a dance workshop, design community, photo lab, radio or video workshop, theatre, choir, vocal workshop, guitar poetry club, career guidance, etc.
The SPbPU Students' Club is an up to date environment for young people. One of its features is the area of free communication Prime Time, where students come to relax in a cozy friendly atmosphere, have a cup of tea, learn something new, teach something new, just gain free Internet access or have a chat. We play kicker and board games, watch movies, host theme parties, find new friends and have a great time doing it. Every student of Polytechnic University is welcome to the Students’ Club!

List of Students Communities
More than 20 Students' Communities work and actively develop in SPbPU. Among them any interested student can find something for him/her: a dance studio, a design community, a photo lab, a radio studio, a video studio, a theater studio, a choir studio, a vocal studio, an art song club, a career guidance team, etc.
Polytechnic University has a so-called Student Council of Dormitories. This is a body of students’ self-government, mostly composed of students living in the dorms, performing the following functions: protection of the rights of students living in the dormitories and organization of students’ laser time.
To put it in informal way, this is an assembly of bright and talented young people, creative and interested active students living in the university dormitories. Each dormitory of Polytechnic University has its own Student Council; its duties include maintaining the order in, integrity of, and the general spirit at the dorm. The guys are doing their best to make students’ life interesting, bright, and joyful; their main task is to help students feel themselves home at the dorms. To do this, each Student Council carries out a great job on improving the living arrangements, organizes sanitary commissions, and monitors the internal order at the dorm.
Representatives of all Student Councils compose the Joint Student Council which holds through the year major interesting events, for example, the “Night of Tabletop Games” (fall and spring), the most joyful night, full of tabletop games and smiles; and other traditional events which year from year attract more and more students. These are the events like Maslenitsa (March), the traditional Russian farewell to the winter with pancakes and burning the jackstraw; the New Year for all those who have not gone home and stayed for the big holiday at the dorm; and also events of a totally different character, such as Cyber Sport Competitions (February), which is a whole night in cyber reality with a series of contests for the title of the best cyber athlete, and many other things.

The Student Council is quite enthusiastic in regards of the new students, because this means new opportunities for implementation of many creative and interesting ideas. The Student Council provides each student with possibilities to develop his/her organizational capacities, gain public and other useful skills. If you are interested in helping other students in solving their problems, getting experience in organizing events and improving the living standards at the dorms, you certainly should join us. It is important that our collective embraces not only students living at the dorms, but any student of Polytechnic University.
Join the Student Council and brighten your life together with us!
Come to our events and have fun with us!
- Chairman: Yegor Burkut
- +7 (911) 102-61-33
PolyDance is a new but thriving dance studio. The dance studio offers classes in Strip-Plastic, Work-Out, Stretching, Belly Dancing, Hip-Hop, Latina Solo, Modern, Flamenco. Excellent coaches create a friendly atmosphere where you want to come back over and over again. PolyDance Studio was opened in February 2009 by Anna Perebillo in the building of Polytechnic Students Club, where it is still actively developing and expanding. Currently the school has 10 coaches who teach classes in the following areas: Strip- Plastic, Hip-Hop, Stretching, Belly Dancing, Latina Solo, Jazz-funk, R'n'B, Body Work, Break dance, Flamenco, Contemporary and Choreography. It is worth noting that all coaches have certificates of passing theoretical and practical courses in St. Petersburg Fitness College.

All trainings take place in a specially equipped room with mirrors, sporting equipment, locker rooms and all the facilities. A very important and pleasant aspect is that the classes for Polytechnic students are absolutely free. The main indicator of PolyDance development is, of course, the number of students attending the trainings. Currently about 200 people attend the school, while the number of subscribers of the group PolyDance in the Russian social network vkontakte is more than 1,000 people. In the school PolyDance the students don’t only study different dance styles, but also have an opportunity to show themselves in various activities, which are regularly held by the school.

- metro station Lesnaya, Pargolovckaya street, 11/2, entrance from the courtyard
Design community «Lеss» is a studio created by a group of students. This studio helps students to fulfil their potential in different areas: in painting, design and other creative projects.
The design community "Less" is a young team of design students of the Polytechnic University. The objective of our work is to raise students awareness in the field of visual culture. We organize various events, workshops and exhibitions. Since recently we have started private lessons on the specialization of software design.

In the first half of 2014 the student design studio «Less» offers to attend two course programs.
The first course is "Computer Graphics". Last semester the students studied raster graphic editor Photoshop, now they get acquainted with the other program of Adobe package - Illustrator. The course is aimed at the students who are going to apply the acquired knowledge practically, so they have motivation and interest in the lessons. The group is maximum 10 people. The lessons are held every Wednesday.
For more information and to sign up you can call +7 921 947 71 92.

The second course is "Painting and the Art of Colour". The training takes place in the form of a studio session with a workshop program. The course participants gain knowledge of colour theory, the construction of object shapes, light and shade correlation and painting materials. The practical lesson includes working on positioning (Still Life) using painting materials (gouache, acryl, tempera). The group is maximum 5 people. The lessons are held every Thursday.
For more information and to sign up you can call +7 981 815 39 75.
From time to time, the studio gives lectures on the history of design and shows thematic films .
- Gerasim Olga
- +7 (921) 947-71-92
- Lesnoy prospect, 67, 3А
A new but already well-known radio of Polytech «» broadcasts in our university day and night. Anyone can have an interview and join the team.

Radio P.Fm is a students community of Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University. Everyone can join this project and show their talent as a presenter or a sound engineer. All our programs are aimed to support and develop the desire of young people to professional education, career development, and to increase their interest in science, useful leisure and recreation.
- Pargolovskaya 11/2
Student Theatre «GLAGOL» is by now Russia’s largest university fixed repertory theatre. Casting into the studio at the theatre takes place annually in autumn. The performances are every Saturday from September to June.
This studio makes it possible for creative people to fulfil their potential. “GLAGOL” is for those who stage projections and can’t imagine their lives without a stage and loud applause.

The theatre "GLAGOL" was created in March 1971 in the Physics and Metallurgy department of the Leningrad Polytechnic Institute named after M.I. Kalinin (now the department of Material Science and Technology of SPbPU). The founder and eternal director of the theater is A.M.Borschevsky, an assistant professor of Physchemistry, the Honored Worker of Culture of the Russian Federation. In 1985 the theater received the title of "National Theatre", and in 1991 it got its own hall for 86 seats.
During the existence of "GLAGOL" 56 performances were staged, there were a number of tours in the regions of Russia, in France, Germany, Poland, Ukraine, Belarus, Latvia, Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan. In total since 1971, the theater has given about 1,450 performances.

Since 1987, the artistic director of the theater productions and performances has been the Honored Worker of Culture of the Russian Federation Konstantin Valentinovich Gershov. Currently, the stage company of "GLAGOL" includes 76 students and graduates of various universities of St. Petersburg. More than 20 members of the company were shot in films and on television. The repertoire of the theatre counts ten performances, which are given for free every Saturday from September to June.
- +7 (812) 596-38-72 (weekdays from 6PM to 8PM, Saturday from 4PM to 6PM)
- metro station "Lesnaya", Lesnoy prospect, 65, cultural and exhibition centre «Еurasia»
The service of psychological and pedagogical support, and career guidance team “Polytech-PROFI» always waits for new volunteers, both helpers and active participants. Its main objective is to help students to choose their future profession, to become engineers of the XXI century.

The main purpose of the Psychological service is to create conditions for personal growth of every person who has come here. Weekly throughout the year the volunteers and the psychologists give various trainings aimed at self-realization and development of personal potential, acquiring skills needed in every sphere of life (how to behave in a conflict, how to give public speech, how to present yourself to be noticed, etc.). We are also open for suggestions and ready to give those trainings which interest to you.
In addition to the trainings the psychologists of the Service give individual consultations to the students and staff members of SPbPU free of charge.
The Psychological Service is an island of safety where you can always be heard, won’t be advised to "blow off" your problems, offered some tea and biscuits! Our doors are always open.
- Ekaterina Krishtal
- +7 (921) 424-25-78
- metro station "Lesnaya"
- Kulikova Svetlana
- + 7 (952) 217-74-05
- metro station Ploshchad Muzhestva
- 24-hour hotline: +7 (921) 895-44-48
The University has its own highly professional youth choir community “Polyhymnia”. The choir was formed by Igor Solovyov, with the support of the Students Club administration in September 2002. It has an impressive collection of prizes and diplomas. Participants are looking forward to new performances, tours to other cities and countries.

The choir "Polyhymnia" takes an active part in university activities, presenting its concert numbers to the audience. Throughout its existence has successfully performed in the best venues of St. Petersburg, Russia and Europe. The collection of the choir’s prizes accounts of about 60 diplomas of various festivals and contests; a few of those are worth a special mentioning: the two Silver Diplomas from the 27th International Choral Competition "PRAGA-CANTAT" and The Silver and Gold awards from the Christmas Music Festival in Bratislava.
The core repertoire of the choir is very diverse. It includes not only folk, religious and classical works, but also unordinary adaptations of contemporary compositions and songs which always are a welcome surprise for the listeners.

Enrollment to the choir is open throughout the year. Music education is not a must.
- Igor Solovyov, Victoria Belova
- +7 (812) 295-27-20
Art song club «Chetverg» is a community of talented poets and musicians looking for their own path in creative work. Their festivals “TOPOS” and “ECHO” are now popular both inside and outside St. Petersburg. At the premises of the Club there are classes in the school of acoustic guitar. You can sign up all the year round.
The club "Chetverg" is a community of people who love and understand the art song, who have, for the most part, a good poetic and musical taste. This is the community, which doesn’t follow the trodden path of amateur songs, but chooses its own artistic way. It’s a concentrated creative environment, a center of attraction for talented singing poets and interesting singers of other people’s songs.

Every club has its own image. The image of "Chetverg" is characterized by several fundamental features. Firstly, it is the respect for the creative manner of authors and singers, the respect for creativity in general regardless its music or literary movements. Now in the same way as before the club is dominated not by listeners, but by creators (though attentive listeners are always welcome here as well). Secondly, the main principle in "Chetverg" is "guitar round the circle". It doesn’t exist as a dead tradition, but as a kind of "bard" fetish, the only possible way to hear anyone who comes to the club, whether it is a songwriter or a lyricist, a beginner or a professional. Thirdly, while the person is singing it is strongly recommended in "Chetverg" not to talk, but to listen.
The admission to "Chetverg" is carried out from several sources: first of all, from its own guitar school (annual admission at the end of September), and also from the annual festivals "TOPOS" (at the beginning of December and "ECHO" (at the end of March) held by the club.
- Dudin Aleksey
- +7 (812) 295-27-20
Studio «Polivoks» is a studio uniting the students who have one goal – to give people joy using the unique musical instrument – human voice. Here the students are taught to sing classics and pop, voice training, and acting skills.

The studio is directed by the Honored Artist of Russia, the winner of international competition Kovaleva Olga Igorevna. The concertmaster of the studio is also the winner of international competitions Koshelev Dmitry Viktorovich.
The students who go to the vocal studio have an opportunity to perform not only inside the Polytechnic University, but also outside it: in other universities, museum-apartments, St. Petersburg Conservatory named after Rimsky-Korsakov. The participants of the studio can take part in vocal competitions of various sizes.
- Instructors: Kovaleva Olga, Seliverstova Larisa, Koshelev Dmitry
- +7 (911) 934-48-04
- Svetlana Egorova
- +7 (911) 249-80-32
- “Polivoks” studio on YouTube
Rock studio «Polyrock» is a community of like-minded people, who know that life without rock sound is dull and monotonous. The classes of electric guitar give the students a chance to develop their talents, learn how to play and improvise, study the basics of solfeggio, learn the specifics of this modern instrument.

The rock-studio is one of the most popular studios, where students learn not only how to play musical instruments and write songs, but also how to create new rock bands that perform at various events and festivals. Our doors are always open for those who want to study music. The rock studio enables to rehearse free of charge, which is very important, especially for beginners. The equipment in the studio is good, it has everything you need.
- Instructor: Vasiliev Mikhail Pavlovich
- +7 (911) 955-56-05
Photo and video studio "Oeuvrespace" is a place for endless creativity! It’s a chance to make real interesting and unique ideas connected with the Art of photo and video!

«Oeuvre space» is a free of charge, practical and theoretical course for the students of St. Petersburg Polytechnic University, involving 2 programs: photo and video.
The classes include: photography courses, individual training (basic photography course, the basics of studio photography, digital image processing, video recording and editing, the basics of directing and shooting techniques), master classes and workshops: cityscape, studio portrait, night clubs, etc.
- Vereshchaka Andrey
- +7 (812) 295-27-20
- «Oeuvre space» in Vkontakte
Prime Time is a place for socializing and recreation. Here you can gather together with friends for a cup of tea, relax playing board games, develop your skills in playing the piano, and, finally, just do your homework away from "annoying" neighbors of the hall of residence. We have a great kicker, table tennis, video classes on Sundays.

On Sunday evenings the students gather in Prime Time to watch films. To watch a film with a cup of tea is not only entertaining, but also very emotional. After that there are usually discussions on what the students saw. At the same time the presenters-psychologists help to make sense of what the students saw, resolve disputes, when some people don’t come to a consensus.
Table tennis and kicker tournaments have recently become new and popular activities. The students come every day to play table tennis and kicker, and it was impossible not to organize a tournament! And we're not going to stop! Follow the news!
Evening is time to play, when you can come together with your friends and play board games, table tennis or kicker.
You can also turn on pleasant music, pour some hot tea, and have some biscuits ; )
Games available for free use are Imaginarium, Activity, Mafia, Broken Telephone, Erudite, Millionaire, Cluedo, Genga, Evolution, Jackal, Cluzzle, Wonders of the World, Ratuki, Piggy, There is Contact, Crazy Maze, Colonialists, Overboard, as well as 4 tables for table football and 2 tables for table tennis!
- Buchkov Egor
- Pargolovskaya street, 11/2
- Prime Time in Vkontakte
“Gou” is the name of an ancient puzzle game, which is now a part of the disciplines of Intelliad on a par with checkers and chess. The club "Moku" is a completely new community of Students Club, but both beginners and experienced players already play here. Learning and playing Gou, you will not only have a good time, but also gain new skills, if you consider yourself a humanitarian, you will learn how to calculate the options, and if you are a "techie", you will develop your imagination.

- Trubitsin Stepan
- +7 (911) 294-68-77
- +7 (812) 295-27–20
- Pargolovskaya, 11/2, Students Club
D.C.SOUND is a school studio, which offers everyone how to become a DJ, to be more exact:

- classification of musical styles
- re-recording tracks on vinyl and cd
- theories of creating mixes
- Pr and advertising oneself as an artist
At the end of the courses in the studio, the best students receive certificates.

Everyone who studied well has a chance to perform not only in nightclubs, but also to have their own air time on 3 internet radio stations:
- Chibalin Anton
- +7 (981) 812-38-34
- +7 (812) 295-27-20
- Pargolovskaya, 11/2, Students Club
The theatre was founded in 1973 and has been continuously working ever since. During 40 years of its existence under the direction of Borisenko Victor Filippovich, the Honored Worker of Culture of the Russian Federation, the theatre has staged more than 50 plays, has given about 500 performances, has been attended by more than two thousand students.

The studio at the premises of the theater uses modern teaching techniques inviting professional actors and directors, graduates of the Academy of Theatre Arts, who began their career in a student theater. The representatives of four SPbPU institutes are already engaged in this theatre and we do invite the students of all Polytechnic institutes to join the young team in the new year. The theater has already taken part in the competitions in the major universities of the country: the Moscow State University (Festival "Students mask", Moscow), the Ural Federal ("Spring UPI", Ekaterinburg), the Southern Ural ("UniFest", Chelyabinsk), as well as in the student theater festivals in France, Germany and Lithuania.
- Borisenko Victor Filippovich, Olga Mironova
- +7 (921) 421-36-72
- Prime
Orchestra of the Polytechnic University started working since December 2013. Currently it’s a chamber orchestra which counts about 15 people. The instruments of the orchestra are violin, cello, clarinet, saxophone, guitars, piano, accordion, drums, trumpet.

As can be seen from the list of instruments, we are waiting for everyone, regardless the specifics of the instrument, as the orchestration is done in accordance with the conductor of the orchestra. The conductor of the orchestra is a young, energetic and talented musician Dmitry Vladimirovich Misyura (the conductor of the orchestra of Naval Academy named after N.G.Kuznetsov) . As it was already mentioned, anyone can join the orchestra, the main conditions are the ability to play, your own instrument, and, of course, the desire to participate in the life of the orchestra. Since the orchestra is a living organism, it cannot exist without artists, so we need your presence in most of the rehearsals.

- Misyura Dmitry Vladimirovich
- +7 (812) 552-76-45
If you like reading, but have no one to discuss what you just read, then you definitely need to join us! The Students of the Polytechnic University, we are pleased to introduce to you a new project “Let's read”! We are going not only to plunge into the world of literature, but also to meet many interesting people, to communicate, to study literary Petersburg.
Every two weeks you'll be able to plunge into the world of literature. “Let's read” offers you not just to read books, but also to share your impressions about them, meet interesting people, learn about young writers and poets, participate in discussions and competitions. Here you will find a welcoming, friendly and intelligent company of people who want to expand their horizons in the field of literature.
You’ll have:
- lively discussions;
- famous guests;
- quests on literary topics;
- competitions;
- friendly atmosphere;
- a chance to share your creativity;
- lots of smiles, biscuits and optimism
We’re looking forward to meeting you! Raise your cultural level together with «Let`s Read».

Who is an adapter? They appear on 1st September, smiling, cheerful, maybe a little noisy, active and talkative. Adapters do a very important job - they help first-year students not to "get lost" in an unfamiliar environment. It can be difficult for yesterday's schoolchildren, who measured their time in school lessons, had parental and teachers control, to be in a new environment, and for some of them in a new place of residence. Here comes an adapter. He helps the pupils to get to know each other, to find common interests, to unite the group, to involve the pupils in socially significant events. On top of that, adapters take an active part in holding most of these events.
So what qualities should an adapter have? Of course, he must have well-developed social and communicative skills, possess the culture of literate speech, take an active position in life, exercise high creative and cognitive activity, have a positive attitude and sense of humor. As a person uniting different individuals, he must know how to attract attention, how to be listened to and to be able to listen to the interlocutor.
The selection of adapters is already in progress, but not everyone possess the above mentioned qualities. At the end of the academic year, the best adapters will go to the well-known resort center in the town of Yuzhniy, where there will be both educational workshops and recreation activities from Super Cultural event Organizers of the Polytechnic University .
Those students, who in our time of digital technologies are interested in creating beautiful photos, are always welcome in the laboratory «TimeLab». The lab invites anyone who wants to experience the atmosphere of true PhotoArt.

The photolab «TimeLab» is one of the few student photolabs in our city engaged in analog photography, where really exclusive things are made. The students, who are professionally engaged in photography, work on their ideas here, organize exhibitions, and the beginners learn the basics of photography, film developing and film printing.

- Bok Andrey
- +7 (981) 710-64-75
- Lesnoy prospect 65/3а
Students engineering community of SPbPU “Polytech Profi” organizes intra- and inter-university engineering competitions. It develops critical thinking and creative skills of the future “engineering elite”.

“Polytech Profi” is a community engaged in holding events aimed at enhancing the prestige of the university and promoting engineering professions. It liaises with the Education Committee, industrial associations and educational institutions of St. Petersburg. It’s a students community that works at the premises of the Polytechnic University and is engaged in the career-oriented work among pupils of 9-11 forms. We propose to create your own educational path; organize seminars on the topics of education, career and employment opportunities in St. Petersburg; help students to make up their mind about the field of their professional interests, as well as show them the future place of study.
- Nedryshkin Oleg
- +7 (931) 297-74-26
- +7 (812) 295-27-20
Chamber Choir of Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University. The choir was formed in September 2013, its participants are mostly the first-year and the second-year students of the Polytechnic University. Our goal is to learn the music of different styles, movements and countries: from the Renaissance period to the present day contemporary music.

We took part in the youth festival "The Mirror of Time" in Gatchina (December 2013), participated in the concert "Happy New Year, St. Petersburg" in the Hall of Academic Capella, in the festival of student choirs “April drops”.
Chamber Choir of Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University. The choir was formed in September 2013, its participants are mostly the first-year and the second-year students of the Polytechnic University. Our goal is to learn the music of different styles, movements and countries: from the Renaissance period to the present day contemporary music.
The admission is both for the students with basic musical education and without it.
- Makarova Aleksandra
- +7 (911) 912-03-90
Youth Patriotic Education Center "Rodina" is a unique complex established at Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University with the support of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. It consists of several facilities for holding various activities for popularization of science, creative and leisure events of interest connected with the history of our country. Active and ambitious young people can come up with and carry out in practice their own ideas concerning civil and military-patriotic education. Military uniforms, weapons and equipment of various periods of the World War II displayed in the Center help to learn more about the history of our state's engineering achievements and engineers' heroism in an interactive way.

The Youth Patriotic Education Center of Polytechnic University opened its doors in 2016. Today, "Rodina" is well equipped with computer classes, a visual aid room, a library, and a variety of interactive sites with already implemented diverse students' projects, such as the "room of Polytech professor" quest, the "Dobrovolets-Polytech" voluntary searching group, a the "Defense of Leningrad" panorama. The Center has a library, and facilities for historical and technical activities site and creative workshops.
More than 50 events of various scopes are held at the Center each year. These are interactive lessons, lectures, master classes, meet-the-artist events, excursions, seminars and conferences, altogether attended by more than 2500 students from Saint Petersburg and other regions.
Some large patriotic communities of SPbPU and the city of Saint Petersburg are located on the Center's premises; these are "Nash Polytech" military&history club (, "Dobrovolets" military&history reenactment club (, "Dobrovolets-Polytech" SPbPU search party (, "Wolfram" military&sports club (, "Contur" workshop group (, etc.
Come and dive into history with us!
The Youth Patriotic Education Center "Rodina" is open seven days a week from 10 am to 9 pm.
Weekly activities at the Center are held every Wednesday from 6 pm to 9 pm.
You can find us here: Polytechnicheskaya Str., 29/12, the Hydrotower Annex, side entrance.
You can sign up for excursions, interactive lessons, lectures and master classes. Please call us at +78122944794, +7 (921) 630-34-60.