Requirements for submitting information to the site of SPbPU

Format for submitting textual materials
ТFor each separate page the text should be in the form of a separate text document ofMicrosoft Word (*.doc), (*.docx) (*.rtf)formats, or a *.txt document encoded as UTF-8.
The document’s title should correspond to the page title.
At the beginning of each document the purpose of its content should be specified, for example:
«Text for page».
Standard word formatting should be used when submitting a Microsoft Word document:
- headings level1-6
- paragraphs
- lists
- line break (Shift + Enter)
It is prohibited to change typeface, text color and indents.
Lists should be formatted in a standard way (hyphens at the beginning of lines are unacceptable)
We do not accept:
- materials in the following formats: *.fb2 , *.eml, *.djvu, *.3gp, *.bmp, *.cdr, *.dwg, *.odt .
- scanned textual materials
- archives protected with passwords
- texts sent in the body of an email
- links to single files with a suggestion to download them ourselves
- files with intentionally pointless titles without notifying where these files are used

Format for submitting texts
Documents should be in separate folders corresponding to the titles of sections or pages where they should be placed. The titles of documents should be typed in Latin characters, without spaces and special symbols. Symbols "_" or "-" can be used in titles instead of spaces.
We accept materials only in the following formats: *.pdf, *.doc, *.docx, *.xls, *xlsx, *.ppt, *.pptx.

Format for submitting graphic materials
Graphic materials should be placed in separate folders whose titles correspond to those of sections of pages where they are to be placed. The titles of documents should be typed in Latin characters without spaces or special symbols. Symbols "_" or "-" can be used in titles instead of spaces.
Inside each folder the files should be arranged in the order in which they are supposed to be placed. The materials should have meaningful titles, for instance: 01_opisanie, 02_opisanie, etc.
All descriptions of graphic materials should be enumerated in an additional text document inside the folder in the following way:
- 01_opisanie — description 1
- 02_opisanie — description 2, etc.
Raster graphics images should have a resolution of not fewer than 1200 px on the smaller side and not more than 150 ppi in the formats:
- *.jpg or *.jpeg (Quality not lower than 60%),
- *.png (only if the image is semi-transparent).
Vector images should be in formats *.eps, *.ai, *.svg.
We do not accept:
- materials in the following formats *.fb2 , *.eml, *.djvu, *.3gp, *.bmp, *.cdr, *.dwg, *.odt, *.tiff.
- photos of graphic content
- archives protected with passwords
- collages (images compiled of several images)
- colors of images different from the main color of SPbPU site (#21a649)
- Files infringing upon copyright and related rights
- files with pointless titles without notifying where these files are used
- links to single files with a suggestion to download them ourselves