International activities
For a number of decades Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University has been enjoying successful international cooperation in the field of education and research with a range of foreign higher educational and research institutions as well as with industrial companies.

SPbPU key priorities are internationalization and increasing effectiveness of education and research at the university by means of advanced world experience implementation and taking into account national traditions of fundamental university education. That means as well forming professional and high-technology environment in line with international standards and ensuring high-quality development and strengthening export attractiveness of educational and research programmes of SPbPU on the basis of integration of advanced technologies and professional knowledge and skills.
Since Polytech considers science and education to be globally important we focus on international activities in all the relevant areas and advancing crucially important issues to be percieved trully cosmopolitan and valuable for the global audience.

The university is open for comprehensive cooperation with foreign partners and our experience of the international projects development in the field of research, education, innovation could be useful for our colleagues from the other countries. Only over the last years the university has participated in more than 60 international projects carried out within the frameworks of the following European and Regional programmes: INTAS, INCO- COPERNICUS, NORDIC, ENPI, TEMPUS ERASMUS+ etc.
Having strong scientific schools in the fields of energy technology, computer engineering, information technologies, new materials, nanobiotechnologies, industrial and civil engineering, ecology, physics, machine building, mechanics, economics and humanities, the university in cooperation with our foreign partners has achieved outstanding results, which have strengthened its international profile.
- +7 (812) 534-10-01
- 29, Polytechnicheskaya str.,195251, St.Petersburg Russia