Science & Research
Research planning, commercialization of research result, service functions are ensured by the following University offices:

- Research Planning Office is responsible for informational, analytical and organizational support to developing the University's research activity. The Office comprises:
- Planning sub-office;
- Dissertation Board sub-office;
- Sub-office of scientific conferences and seminars;
- Sub-office of young scientists development
- Office of scientific periodical journals
- Polytechnic Technology Park comprises:
- Intellectual Property Department
- Business incubator “Polytechnic”
- "Center of Youth Technical Creativity" (Fab Lab Center)
- Office of Audit in Research and Development comprises:
- Sub-office for participation in R&D competitions
- R&D monitoring
- Joint Institute of Science and Technology (JIST) is a new form to organize research, innovative and industrial activity. JIST's main purpose is to foster the launch of research works and positioning the university specialists onto the market.
In addition, the structure of the research offices includes several major research laboratories and centers of complex research.
R&D planning and economic support, including operative planning, financial and statistical audits, controlling the budget estimates for research agreements and projects, is provided by the Office of Audit in Research and Development.