General Information
Scientific work has always been an important component of the activities at the Polytechnic University. Scientists at Polytechnic made a notable contribution to the development of fundamental and applied science. The world famous works of A.F. Ioffe, P.L. Kapitsa, N.N. Semenov, M.A. Chatelen, A.A. Baykov, J.I. Alferov and many others were carried out at the Polytechnic Institute.
In recent years, the involvement of the University in major national projects resulted in numerous research and technological developments.
The Government Decree №812-p dated May 20, 2010, assigned to SPbPU the category of the "National Research University", which came as recognition of its important role in education and training, as well as in multidisciplinary research and world-class development. The Program of development of SPbPU as a national research university from 2010 to 2019 was approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation on July 26, 2010.

Scientific monitoring, analysis and management of research activities at the University provided it the position on the world map of science. Understanding the capabilities in the context of Russian and world trends contributes to the quality of the strategic planning of the university and its dynamic development.
During the implementation of the 5-100-2020 Program, in 2015 the University improved its positions in the international rankings: QS World University Rankings - 471-480; Times Higher Education - 201-250.
In the framework of the National Research Program and 5-100-2020 Program, more than 3 billion roubles have been invested into the development of the intellectual capital of the university and research facilities.

The participation of students and post-graduates in scientific research and development projects at the departments of the Academy of Sciences and in the industrial research organizations, affiliated with SPbPU is one of the basic principles of educational process at Polytechnic University. This cooperation is very effective, which has been proved by the results of various science contests and conferences held at a very high level.
Intensive work in the field of research and development, as well postgraduate and doctoral studies, provide an effective training of highly qualified academic staff of the University.
The high status of the university draws the attention of the scientific community to the national and international conferences held at the University.
The University has a certified quality management system in the field of scientific research.
The overall management of science and research developments is carried out by the vice-rector responsible for scientific work, who is also the chairman of the Scientific and Technical Council of the University.

Scientific and Technical Council of the University determines the direction of research and development projects, innovative policies of the University and analyzes the performance of different departments of the university in this field.
In the framework of science and research projects the academic staff cooperate with the leading industrial plants and institutions, such as: "Power Machines" Ltd, "Kirov Plant" Ltd, Machine-Building Plant "Arsenal", "Proletarian plant" Ltd, State Unitary Enterprise "Admiralty Shipyards", "Baltic Plant" Ltd, "Severnaya Verf " Ltd, “Technology Center of Shipbuilding and Ship Repair" Ltd, "LOMO" Ltd, "Star" Ltd, “Klimov plant” Ltd, "Severstal" Ltd, and many others, as well as central research institutes and design engineering complexes (Central Research Institute of Structural Materials "Prometheus", Krylov Shipbuilding Research Institute, CDB for Marine Engineering "Rubin", CDB for Engineering, Central Research Institute "Electric appliances") and others.
Such world leading industrial companies as Airbus, Boeing, General Electric Power Systems, General Electric Oil and Gas, General Motors, Ford Motor Company, Mercedes Benz, Hummer, Ferrari, Renault, Caterpillar, Schlumberger, Siemens, Volkswagen, Japan Industrial Technology Association, LG Electronics, China Nuclear Power Corporation have cooperated with SPbPU in the field of research and development.