Priority 2030
The goal of the Priority 2030 program is to form a group of universities that will become leaders in creating new scientific knowledge, technologies, and developments for implementation in the Russian economy and social sphere.
In 2021 educational institutions of higher education were selected to participate in the program, where projects of development programs were evaluated.

St. Petersburg Polytechnic University was among the winners of the competition and received both a basic grant and a special grant to provide breakthrough research and create knowledge-intensive products and technologies and build the human resources capacity of the research and development sector.
The universities, which became participants of the program, will develop and disseminate throughout the higher education system the best practices of research, innovation, and educational activities, increase the attractiveness of life and work in the regions of Russia, including for foreign students and foreign scientists. They will allow Russian university graduates to develop the skills and abilities necessary for their success in today’s labor market and the future under the conditions of rapid scientific and technological progress.
The University Development Program 2030, which won the competition, was prepared with the involvement of all levels of university staff, academic and industrial partners, and takes into account both traditional areas of Polytech leadership and new areas of development.
The mission of SPbPU is to generate new knowledge and form a world-class engineering school that ensures the development of the country’s economy through advanced technologies and quick wins in solving urgent knowledge-intensive challenges.
SPbPU strategic goals:
- Training of engineering leaders for the new economy
- Development of globally competitive technologies and products
- Contributing to the country’s export potential
- Leadership in advanced digital technologies and platform solutions
- Effective partnerships