Leibniz Universität Hannover (cooperation suspended)

SPbPU started cooperating with LUH in 1984.
In 2012 the joint project between SPbPU and LUH within the strategic partnership program was approved among 20 the most successful applications out of 177 submitted.
During 4 years of the project implementation the range of areas of cooperation developed significantly.
3 Dual Degree Master Programs: “Mechatronics”, “Power Plant Engineering” and “Entrepreneurship”;
In 2015 Master Degree Program “Power Plant Engineering” became a Trilateral Degree Program with Lappeenranta University of Technolog
2016 – an Agreement on Joint PhD Program;
Joint Summer and Winter schools in the following fields: civil engineering and design, energy technologies, international business and entrepreneurship, Russian language and culture, German language and culture.
- Incoming mobility 2016 - 52
- Outgoing mobility 2016 - 56
- Mechatronics and automation systems;
- Materials and laser technologies;
- Turbomachines and fluid dynamics;
- Thermodynamics;
- Technologies and equipment for metal casting;
- Civil engineering and computational mechanics;
- Nanotechnology, electrotechnology and electronics;
- Integral electronics and electrotechnology;
- Quantum optics, lasers and nanotechnology;
- Economics and Management;
- Linguistics;
- Information and Library;
- Universities internationalization.
In 2014 SPbPU and LUH established joint laboratory “Nanomanufacturing”.
Regular joint applications for funds.
In 2016 3 joint applications for DFG and the Russian Foundation for Basic Research are submitted.