Accelerating ICT students’ startup development competence via interdisciplinary modular courses in the HEI curricula/UXiship

Accelerating ICT students’ startup development competence via interdisciplinary modular courses in the HEI curricula/UXiship
Start: 01.11.2019 End: 30.11.2022 Project Site: Project Coordinator: Hochschule Wismar (Germany) – Grantholder, Wismar, Germany Project number: 609870-EPP-1-2019-1-DE-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP


Aims and objectives:

Project aim: Development of information & communication technologies major students’ entrepreneurial competences


  • Improvement of Kazakhstan and Russia engineering curricula within Partner Universities by implementation of ICT-competence based entrepreneurship module
  • Launching IT-entrepreneurial accelerating programme for soft skills development in engineering curricula by bringing together Partner Universities strength in collaborated teaching, assessment and feedback
  • Updating engineering education to the EU standards according to Bologna process by implementing joint university courses recognized by Partner Universities consortium
  • Promoting bottom-up international collaboration approach within knowledge triangle, thus improving the level and structure of ICT hard and entrepreneurial soft skills acquired by engineering university students


Contemporary labour market expresses high demand ICT competence in all areas of engineering and technology jobs, and this demand is even more stressed in the entrepreneurial sector as IT-business is one of the most fast-growing. Currently neither ICT, nor engineering or technology majors in partner country universities receive any training in entrepreneurial development (their economic curricula is usually limited to basics of economic theory and organizing production unit). Also, engineering and technology majors rarely get sufficient training in ICT, especially in the part of emerging IT-technologies - in partner country universities ICT competence is given in a form of some software engineering tools without creating a possibility for life-long learning in the field.

Project Results:

  • Co-working space for startup projects
  • Educational programs with an entrepreneurial component
  • Raising the qualifications of faculty and researchers
  • Experience exchange with foreign partners
  • Trainings and courses for students
  • Development of students’ startup projects

Project consortium: