COVID-19: for the Period of March 28 - April 5 SPbPU Students Do not Study and SPbPU Faculty and Staff Do not Work

27 March 2020 University life 0

An exception is only those maintenance services if the university life is impossible without them. According to the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation “On the announcement of days off in the Russian Federation” and the Order of the Minister of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation, during the period of March 30 - April 5 at Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University nobody is working. Such preventive measures have been taken to stop the spread of coronavirus infection in our country.

According to the Order of SPbPU Rector of Andrei RUDSKOI the salary for this period will be fully paid. Only employees of the units providing the university’s vital functions are supposed to work.

Students will have a vacation from March 28 to April 5. You can take a break from distance learning and return to it after a week with renewed strength. The main thing is not to relax and do not forget about prevention, avoid crowded places, wash your hands, use sanitary napkins, antiseptics and, if possible, medical masks. It is better to stay at home or if you have to go out keep a distance with other people.

Prepared by Public Relations Department of SPbPU. Translated by SPbPU International Office

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