+7 (921) 864-19-85

Please, fill in the application on the website and follow the instructions valid in your home country for obtaining a government-sponsored scholarship.
If you want to receive a letter of recommendation from SPbPU, which will allow you to receive additional competitive points, you must specify SPbPU as the university in terms of first priority and contact us.
Upload portfolio documents (passport, documents on previous education/transcript of records, documents with achievements for the last 2 years, medical certificates, motivation letter (on request).
After your candidature is approved by the Ministry of Science and Higher education of the Russian Federation, SPbPU gets the information and approve your candidature with the profile SPbPU Institute.
The university gets in touch with the student approximately within a month after the student gets a confirmation from the Ministry.
The student gets a link for the SPbPU online application system, where the documents will be uploaded. Also the student will get the enrollment documents and the certificate of student’s status.
When your candidature is approved by SPbPU the Ministry of Science and Higher education of the Russian Federation and enrolled in SPbPU a visa invitation number will be prepared. You can find your personal visa invitation number in the personal account on the web page With this invitation number the student applies for a visa directly at the Embassy of the Russian Federation in your home country.
After receiving consent / referral to study, it is necessary to book a place in the dormitory by e-mail 2 weeks before arrival (if necessary).
- Office 104, 1st floor, Grazhdansky Ave. (Grazhdansky prospect) 28
- Working hours: 10:00 — 17:00. Lunch break: 13:00 — 14:00
- Contact person: Julia А. Rubleva
- +7 (812) 534-03-58
On the day of your arrival, please check-in at the dormitory. Please show your passport to the security guard and he/she will see you to your room.
Please pay attention that your Diploma and the Transcript of records should have undergone the legalization (validation) procedure by the time of your arrival to the University.
Legalization is a procedure of giving legal effect to a document issued in one country in the territory of another country. Academic certificates and diplomas can only be legalized in the country of issuance.
Back sides of your documents (or their scan copies) should have an Apostille and/or consular legalization stamp. Rules vary in different countries. It is a student’s own responsibility to check the appropriate rules before arrival in the Russian Federation.
For more information about this procedure, see the website of the Center for International Credential Evaluation Examination
Translations certified by a foreign notary are accepted only from countries with which the Russian Federation has relevant agreements on legal assistance, and legalization is not required. Whether you need legalization of the translation, you can check HERE.
Duly certified translations must be accompanied by copies of the translated documents.
At the customs area you must fill in a migration card. The purpose of the visit should be specified as STUDY (УЧЕБА in Russian). Keep the migration card until your departure from Russia.
On the same day or the day following your arrival, except weekends, you should come for registration to the University Visa Department where you will submit the documents listed below:
- Passport
- Migration card filled out the way mentioned above
- Copies of all pages of the passport and the migration card
- Copies of the first page of the passport, the migration card, and the visa (if available) made on the same side of the page
- Each foreign student arriving in Russia must submit his/her passport with the visa and the migration card for registration to the Visa Department within 3 days after the date of crossing the border of the Russian Federation. The penalty for late registration may vary from paying a fine to deportation from Russia.
- All foreign students should extend their student visas 45 days prior to the visa expiration date.
Detailed information on migration registration is available HERE.
- Office 112/113, 1st floor, Grazhdansky Ave. (Grazhdansky prospect) 28
- Working hours: 09:00 — 17:00. Lunch break: 13:00 — 14:00
- +7 (812) 534-32-22
For finalizing the enrollment procedure after your arrival you have to come to the International Student Department.
Adress: Grazhdansky prospect 28, IMOP building (ИМОП)
Please take an electronic ticket at the beginning of the corridor and proceed to the International student department.
For Bachelor and Master students - room 206, 2nd floor
For PhD student - room 204, 2nd floor
For pre-university foundation program students - room 301, 3rd floor
Upon arrival, all students must either purchase an annual medical insurance or present one purchased in the home country (in which case insurance agreement is required) and undergo a medical examination and dactylography. For more information, you can read HERE.
Finally, please provide the Admission Office with the following documents:
For Bachelor’s , Master’s and Phd degree programs applicants | For Russian Language course/ University Foundation program applicants |
Enrollment for Bachelor’s, Master’s, and PhD degree programs
- Office 204-206, 2nd floor, Grazhdansky Ave. (Grazhdansky prospect) 28
- Working hours: 10:00 — 17:00. Lunch break: 13:00 — 14:00
- Contact person: Mrs. Anastasiia Gordeeva
- +7 (812) 606-62-39
Enrollment for the Russian Language course/ University Foundation program
- Office 217, 2nd floor, Grazhdansky Ave. (Grazhdansky prospect) 28
- Working hours: 10:00 — 17:00. Lunch break: 13:00 — 14:00
- Contact person: Irina V. Martynova
- +7 (812) 606-62-32
- Each SPbPU student arriving in the Russian Federation is required to purchase a medical insurance policy upon arrival in order to receive medical care at the university's medical center (outpatient facility)
- Every SPbPU student arriving on the territory of the Russian Federation is also required to undergo fingerprint registration, photographing and medical examination. For more detailed information, you can find HERE.
- Make sure that your bank card has a limit that will allow you to pay for the hostel, etc. (in case of payment by card).
If you have passed all the steps successfully, congratulations, you have entered SPbPU!
- Office 204-206, 2nd floor, Grazhdansky Ave. (Grazhdansky prospect) 28
- Working hours: 10:00 — 17:00. Lunch break: 13:00 — 14:00
- Contact person: Mrs. Anastasiia Gordeeva
- +7 (812) 606-62-39