International Polytech-SOKENDAI Conference on Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion
organized in cooperation with the IAEA
Dates: 13-24 JULY 2020

The conference is a satellite event of the International Polytechnic Summer School 2020, module "Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion (Polytech-SOKENDAI) in cooperation with the International Atomic Energy Agency".

The participants of this summer school module, who are working on a Master or PhD degree thesis in the area of plasma physics and controlled nuclear fusion, are welcome to take part in this conference. Those Master and PhD students, who wish to make a 15 minute oral presentation at this conference, are welcome to submit a one-page A4 abstract of their talk (Times New Roman 12 point font, paragraph spacing 1.5 intervals, not exceeding one page).
Conference format:
Due to the quarantine limitations caused by the coronavirus concerns the format of the conference is an online event. Login details to access the online platform will be granted to the participants. These are the same login details as for the mentioned summer school module.
International Programme Committee:
- Dr. M. Barbarino, IAEA
- Dr. P. Goncharov, SPbPU, Russia
- Dr. I. Sharov ,SPbPU, Russia
- Dr. N. Tamura, SOKENDAI, Japan
- E.A. Anufriev et al. Study of the operating regimes of a lithium divertorfor the DEMO-FNS
- V.Yu. Goryainov et al. Discharge formation in tokamak using injection of plasma jet of accelerator
- I.M. Balachenkov et al. Current Alfven eigenmode research on Globus-M2 tokamak
- V.V. Korzueva et al. Modeling of DEMO scrape-off layer plasma with neon and argon seeding
- M.N. Shlenskii et al. System studies on fusion-fission hybrid reactors and its fuel cycle
- N.V. Shtyrkhunov et al. Modelling of ASDEX Upgrade edge plasma in radiative X-point regime
- K.D. Shulyatiev et al. Operation of a dispersion interferometer on the Globus-M2 spherical tokamak
- D. Sorokina et al. Modelling of the current flows in the Scrape-off layer of ASDEX-Upgrade tokamak
- E.A. Tukhmeneva et al. Investigation of transport in the Globus-M2 tokamak plasma using an integrated approach based on data of optical diagnostics
Important dates:
- 29 June 2020 - Abstract submission
- 6 July 2020 - Notification of Acceptance
- 13-24 July 2020 - Conference Dates
The schedule of the talks will be announced to the participants.
- +7 (812) 534-25-31
- +7 (812) 534-13-65
- room 227, 28, Grazhdanskii prospect, 195220, St.Petersburg, Russia