SPbPU is among the TOP-3 leaders in teaching marketing and PR

10 May 2024 Achievements 218

The XXVIII All-Russian Scientific and Methodological Conference of Heads of Departments of Marketing, Advertising, Public Relations and Related Disciplines was held at the Lomonosov Moscow State University, Faculty of Journalism. The event was organized by the Association of Communication Agencies of Russia (ACAR).

Marketing team of the Graduate School of Industrial Management with diploma

Every year the conference is attended by heads and leading teachers of specialized structural educational departments of Russian universities, as well as representatives of advertising agencies and mass media of Russia and foreign countries.

Profile contests were held during the conference. Two educational units of SPbPU were included in the TOP-3 rating of the best departments of Russian universities. The Graduate School of Industrial Management of the Institute of Industrial Management, Economics and Trade — in the nomination «The Best Department of Russian Universities Training Specialists in Marketing», the Graduate School of Media Communications and Public Relations of the Institute of Humanities — in the nomination «The Best Department of Russian Universities Training Specialists in Advertising».

Students and teachers of the Graduate School of Media Communications and Public Relations

In addition to the awards ceremony, the conference program included plenary sessions and meetings of five working sections: marketing (supervised by the Guild of Marketers), advertising, public relations, digital communications, and creative in advertising.

Anastasiy Klimin (far left) after the plenary session with colleagues

As communication with colleagues has shown, Polytechnic’s online course Digital Marketing and Social Media, implemented on the national open education portal openedu.ru, is widely known in Russia. In just six years, from 2018 to 2023, more than 45,000 people have been trained, said Dmitry Tikhonov, vice-rector for additional and pre-university education, who oversees the project of digital departments at the university.

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