SPbPU is the Premier League of the National Aggregate Ranking

13 March 2024 Achievements 428

The portal of independent evaluation of higher education published the next National Aggregate Ranking of Russian universities. Polytechnic University is in the Premier League again, having not left it since its first issue. The Premier League includes 40 of the best universities in the country, and the ranking includes a total of 686 educational organizations, divided into 10 leagues.

Polytechnic University does not leave the Premier League from the first edition of the National Aggregate Rankings

Polytechnic University is an educational institution of the highest level, which is confirmed by its leading positions in this ranking. This success has been achieved due to the quality of educational programs, scientific productivity of our researchers and high demand for graduates among St. Petersburg employers, comments SPbPU Rector Andrei Rudskoi.

The status of a member of the Premier League of the National Aggregate Ranking is based on the university’s high scores in the most authoritative rankings of the country, and behind them is the university’s continuous comprehensive work on improving educational practices and creating conditions for successful scientific and technical activities and their commercialization. This is what Polytechnic University is rightfully famous and proud of, and in the year of the 125th anniversary of the university such an assessment of the quality of the university’s work is especially significant, said Acting Vice-Rector for Advanced Projects Maria Vrublevskaya.

The methodology of the National Aggregate Ranking considers the results of 12 rankings: RAEX, Interfax, Forbes, Superjob, HeadHunter and others. The rankings should meet the requirements of publicity (full information is presented in open access), stability (they exist for at least three years), mass (at least 100 universities are evaluated) and periodicity (evaluation is conducted annually).

The National Aggregate Ranking was prepared by the Guild of Experts in Vocational Education in cooperation with the National Foundation for Innovation Support.

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