The Graduate School of Media Communications and Public Relations of the IH is among the top five best departments in Russia

3 June 2021 Achievements 585

The Association of Communication Agencies of Russia (ACAR) has summed up the annual all-Russian ranking and determined the best departments for training specialists in advertising in the 2020-2021 academic year. The top five winners include the Higher School of Media Communications and Public Relations of the Institute of Humanities, Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University (director Marina ARKANNIKOVA).

The Graduate School of Media Communications and Public Relations of the IH is among the top five best departments in Russia

Ассоциация коммуникационных агентств России (АКАР) подвела итоги ежегодного всероссийского рейтинга и определила лучшие кафедры подготовки специалистов в сфере рекламы в 2020-2021 учебном году. В топ-5 лауреатов — Высшая школа медиакоммуникаций и связей с общественностью Гуманитарного института Санкт-Петербургского политехнического университета Петра Великого (директор Марина АРКАННИКОВА).

  1. Teaching staff (number of professors, associate professors, teachers; the percentage of doctors and candidates of sciences, as well as the percentage of practitioners involved from business; positions occupied in business by teachers-practitioners; personal composition of leading teachers of the department).
  2. Organization of educational activity (number of students in Bachelor’s and Specialist’s and Master’s degree, respectively, including the full-time form of training; the number of educational programs in foreign languages and number of students studying in them).
  3. Educational and methodical work of the departments (volume of teaching load of the department for the academic year on the profile disciplines; the number of the profile courses developed and read by the teachers of the department; the number of textbooks, educational and teaching-methodical manuals on the profile disciplines).
  4. Scientific-research activities (number of monographs and articles published by lecturers of the department; the number of defended Ph.D. and doctoral dissertations on the field-specific subjects; participation of lecturers of the department in international and all-Russian scientific conferences on the profile subjects; participation of students in scientific-practical conferences).
  5. Interaction of the department with industry (participation of teachers and students of the department in professional events; achievements of students and graduates of the department (awards in competitions and festivals; the most notable graduates of the department working in the business).

Since 2020, GSMCiPR SPbPU has been actively developing a practice-oriented approach to training specialists in advertising and public relations, various forms of collaboration with industry associations, commercial and public sectors. Thus, the Higher School of Mass Communication became a regional operator of the All-Russian Crystal Orange — North-West contest in the field of development of public relations and media technologies. Together with PAO TGC-1, it opened the School of Communications in Power Engineering, co-organized two national competitions: «The Corporate Calendar» and «The Corporate Museum», and many others.

It is a great honor for our team to be in the top five of one of the most authoritative profile rankings in the country. Since January 2020, our higher school has confidently demonstrated growth in KPIs, well-coordinated work, and high motivation for new achievements of the teaching staff. I’m sure that our highest awards are still ahead of us, said Marina ARKANNIKOVA, associate professor, director of GSMCiPR SPbPU.

The material was prepared by the Graduate School of Media and Communication and Public Relations, SPbPU

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