Future Masters Presented the Results of Their Studies at the Conference "PREDMAG-2020"

19 June 2020 Education 1615

This week, the Second Inter-university Student Scientific and Practical Video Conference Pre-Master’s Degree Training of Foreign Citizens at Russian Universities - “PREDMAG-2020” took place. Polytechnic University was the core organizer; among the co-organizers were the RUDN University and Volgograd State Technical University. During the conference, 9 students, future Master’s degree holders, introduced their Bachelor’s degree theses to more than 50 viewers.

Mateo Dominguez from Ecuador talks about designing a hybrid vehicle

«Participants’ reports were made at a high scientific level. The presentations were held in Russian, and we, as organizers, have to acknowledge that the students were well-prepared and performed extremely well. Without a doubt, the videoconference made a significant contribution to the development of international educational cooperation of Russian universities,” said Viktor KRASNOSCHEKOV, Director of the Higher School of International Educational Programs.

Polytechnic University was represented by students from China and Ecuador. Participants’ reports were dedicated to the design of drying furnaces for electrostatic coating; hybrid vehicle development; design of the control system of access card; transfer between the substrate of integrated waveguide and microwave line; features of converting images into special sound signals. On behalf of Volgograd State Technical University, students from Afghanistan, Vietnam and Algeria spoke. They talked about unmanned aerial photography for the mapping of various landscapes, structures and seismic calculation of high-rise buildings, and the airport at the province of Nimroz. RUDN University introduced a student from Ecuador, who raised the important topic of treatment of myocardial infarction.

SPbPU student Mateo Dominguez plans to continue his studies at Polytechnic University

We asked one of the conference participants to tell us more about his research. SPbPU student Mateo DOMINGES (Ecuador) made a presentation on the design and development of a hybrid personal vehicle. “In my country, one of the main sources of air pollution is vehicle exhaust, so I think electric or hybrid private vehicles will play an important role as a transport alternative. That’s why I chose this topic for research,” said Mateo.

According to the student, a hybrid vehicle combines various sources of energy for functioning. “The main advantage of hybrid transport is a significant reduction in air emissions. I am very interested in this topic, and I plan to continue my studies at SPbPU, at the Institute of Engineering, Materials and Transport. When I graduate, I plan to return to Ecuador and establish an innovative factory there,” Mateo DOMINGES shared his plans.

Prepared by the SPbPU International Office

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