A course for investment: polytechnics learn how to raise funds for startups

18 January 2024 International activities 319

Polytechnic University has completed the educational module of the International Polytechnic Accelerator aimed at developing financial models of innovative projects for their further promotion in foreign markets with the support of the university’s foreign partners.

The module was attended by teams from several SPbPU departments: the Higher School of Cyberphysical Systems & Control, the Higher School of Nuclear an Heat Power Engineering, the Higher School of Computer Technologies and Information Systems, the laboratory of the STI Center «New Production Technologies» and the Center for Technological Projects.

Participants of the Accelerator’s educational module

Attracting investment is one of the most important elements of entering the international market, so the module program was focused on the development of financial models of the participants’ projects. The expert in this area was Denis Bezruchko, head of the Polytech-Invest laboratory at the Institute of Industrial Management, Economics and Trade of SPbPU, entrepreneur and founder of a consulting company. He told about his proprietary methodology of calculating financial models of investment projects, helped to quickly and efficiently create financial models for presentation to potential investors.

Denis Bezruchko, Head of Polytech-Invest Laboratory

Finding an investor and understanding the financial situation of a project is impossible without assessing the competitive environment. Issues of competitive analysis using patent analytics and scientometrics methods were revealed by Ismail Kadiev, Director of the Center for Intellectual Property and Technology Transfer of SPbPU, and Anastasia Chasovnikova, Deputy Director of the Department of Strategic Planning and Development of SPbPU.

Teams that are at the beginning of developing innovative projects or creating a startup do not always think about how they can benefit from analyzing scientific publications, explains Anastasia Chasovnikova. Everyone is used to the idea that scientometrics is about dry indicators, selecting journals for publication, or searching for reviewers. Meanwhile, the competent use of scientific databases provides a basis for building a commercial strategy for the project, identifying competitors and partners. This is especially important for technological projects.

The international track of the educational program was presented by SPbPU’s partners in promoting projects on the Chinese market. Li Lianying, Operational Director of Jiangsu Research Institute of Industrial Technology, made a report on the trends of high-tech markets in the country, emphasizing the sources of funding for innovative projects in Jiangsu Province. Xie Hui, Deputy Director of the PuE Business Incubator Management Office, spoke about China’s regional policy of innovation support.

Gong Boven, a graduate student of HSNHPE, presented his project

In addition to experts, the event was attended by successful Russian entrepreneurs who develop business in China, they shared their knowledge about the specifics of Chinese entrepreneurship, as well as their experience of ups and downs of high-tech business.

On the final day of the educational module, the program participants presented the results of their work. For example, Gong Boven, a graduate student of the Higher School of Nuclear an Heat Power Engineering, told about the project of creating a modern high-efficiency low-power carbon dioxide gas turbine. The introduction of such plants will contribute to the realization of the advanced concept of carbon-free energy.

Vladislav Zaitsev presented a new approach to ultrasonic welding

Vladislav Zaitsev, a master’s degree student of IMM&T, an engineer of the laboratory «Modeling of technological processes and design of power equipment», presented a new approach to ultrasonic welding, which allows reliable and fast joining of a wide range of composite materials. Other projects touched upon no less relevant topics of environmental protection, development of import-substituting software, materials for solar energy, etc.

According to the results of the program, the participants will receive certificates of advanced training and with the support of international services will be able to develop projects in cooperation with partners from China.

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