Days of Russian Language in Iran

4 June 2024 International activities 191

At the end of May, the Days of the Russian Language were held in Iran. The event was organized by the Russian World Foundation and the Russian Book Publishers Association, represented by the Zlatoust Center, the largest publisher of educational literature on Russian as a foreign language. These days, Russian speech was heard in the universities of three Iranian cities: Tehran, Mashhad and Babolser. Polytechnic University was a key participant of the events.

The Days of the Russian Language were held in Iran

The event was attended by Alexander Alimov, Director of the Department for Multilateral Humanitarian Cooperation and Cultural Relations of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Rafael Gevorkyan, Charge d’Affaires of the Russian Federation in Tehran, as well as representatives of such leading universities as Moscow State University, St. Petersburg State University, KFU, SFU, Pushkin State Institute of Russian Language.

St. Petersburg Polytechnic has long and firmly occupied its niche in the space of teaching Russian as a foreign language, emphasized Dmitry Arseniev, vice-rector for international affairs of SPbPU. This is the so-called ‘technical Russian’. Our university employs about one hundred teachers-philologists of this sphere, who provide Russian language training for future specialists for the national economies of friendly countries.

Students were introduced to the educational programs of Polytech

Students of the University of Tehran, Tarbiat Modares University, Islamic Azad University, Al-Zahra University, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad were introduced to the educational programs of Polytech. During the talks with Viktor Krasnoshchekov, director of the Higher School of International Educational Programs at SPbPU, an agreement was reached to establish the Mohamadi Center for Joint Training of Iranian Students in Tehran.

Viktor Krasnoshchekov, director of the Higher School of International Educational Programs at SPbPU

A videoconference was also held on cooperation in the field of artificial intelligence between researchers from Islamic Azad University and the Graduate School of Cyber-Physical Systems Management and the Graduate School of Applied Mathematics and Computational Physics of SPbPU.

A videoconference between researchers from Islamic Azad University and SPbPU

The Days of the Russian Language will serve the development of scientific and educational cooperation with Iran. The Islamic State has a strong intellectual potential and a young active population that is eager to receive quality education.

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