Digest of SPbPU and RAU events in 2024

27 December 2024 International activities 363

This year marks the 10th anniversary of the strategic partnership between Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University and the Russian-Armenian University. In 2014, Polytechnic experts helped the RAU team to prepare the first development program. In parallel with the elaboration of the first development program, the scientific and educational interaction between our universities began.

Russian-Armenian University, photo by Armen Mirakyan

SPbPU at the international conference on optics and photonics NanoPQIQO at RAU

In May, Deputy Director of the Institute of Electronics and Telecommunications, Associate Professor Maxim Vinnichenko made an invited presentation «Dynamics of Photoinduced Light Absorption in GeSi/Si Quantum Dots» and acted as a leader of one scientific section at the International Conference on Optics and Photonics NanoPQIQO, a prestigious event of the scientific community.

Maxim Vinnichenko held open lectures on the course «Optical Properties of Semiconductors and Nanostructures» at the Armenian University, which were listened with great interest by senior students and graduate students of RAU in the direction of «Electronics and Nanoelectronics».

Maxim Vinnichenko held open lectures on the site of the Armenian University

Experimental results of the study of optical properties of GeSi quantum dots made in SPbPU and theoretical studies of these nano-objects made in RAU were discussed with colleagues from Armenia.

Professors of IEiT held lectures on spectrally efficient signals and microelectromechanical systems for the students of RAU

RAU hosted an open lecture given by Prof. Sergey Makarov, scientific director of the Institute of Electronics and Telecommunications. The topic of the lecture was spectrally efficient signals, which is of great importance for the modern society, especially in the sphere of communication and information. Vera Loboda, director of the Higher School of Electronics and Microsystems Engineering, conducted an intensive course of lectures on the topic «MEMS-sensors of physical quantities» for the students of specialized sections of RAU.

RAU hosted an open lecture given by Prof. Sergey Makarov

Polytechnic and RAU participated in a joint international seminar on materials for low-carbon economy

The research team of the Higher School of Business Engineering met with colleagues in Yerevan within the framework of the next stage of the mega grant «Technological Challenges and Socio-Economic Transformation in the Energy Transition».

Within the framework of this visit the staff of HSBE and the Laboratory «Interdisciplinary Research and Education on Technological and Economic Challenges of Energy Transition (CIRETEC-GT)» took part in the joint international seminar «Materials for Low Carbon Economy».

HSBI staff took part in the joint international seminar

Together with colleagues from the Russian-Armenian University, representatives of the Department of Mathematical Methods and Information Technologies in Economics and Business, they discussed the prospects for research on Russia’s energy exports, and planned a number of research works to study the role of digital technologies in energy systems.

Joint round table of HSS&T and RAU

The Higher School of Service and Trade held a round table «Digital Marketing in Trade and Tourism», organized jointly with the Department of Tourism and Services of the RAU.

During the Round Table there was a discussion and analysis of modern trends in digital marketing in tourism and trade, best practices and innovative approaches for effective promotion of tourist and goods services through digital channels.

Implementation of the best practices — the course «Basics of Project Activity» at RAU

As part of the implementation of the course «Project Activity», in spring 2024, with the support of experts from Polytechnic University, the pilot launch of the course «Basics of Project Activity» was completed.

At the end of the spring semester, in June 2024, 9 student teams from the Institutes of Economics and Business, Law and Politics, Mathematics and Informatics, Media, Advertising and Cinema, Biomedicine and Pharmacy, Engineering and Physics took part in the RAU Project Competition.

Additionally, a series of supporting webinars were held for a wide range of RAU

Following the pilot, a decision was made to expand the course and the range of tutors. From spring 2025 the course will be mandatory for the 2nd and 3rd year students of the Institute of Economics and Business of RAU, as well as the course will remain optional for several other areas.

Awarding of the best teams and mentors by representatives of SPbPU

This means that more than 130 students of the Russian-Armenian University will take part in the project activities and 19 university employees will become mentors.

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