International Polytechnic Summer School brings together international students

23 August 2023 International activities 425

The International Polytechnic Summer School, which started in June, brought together more than 350 international students from all over the world. The programs are especially popular with Chinese students: most of them came from Zhejiang University (SPbPU’s strategic partner) and Shanghai Maritime University.

Students from Zhejiang University and Shanghai Maritime University

The program is held in a mixed format (online and face-to-face) and covers more than 40 educational modules in six areas: engineering and natural sciences, information and digital technologies, energy, business and economics, social sciences, Russian language and culture.

The International Energy Academy opened its summer program in person. For the first time after the removal of covid restrictions, students and coordinators from Northwestern Polytechnic University of the People’s Republic of China (NWPU) came to St. Petersburg. However, in order not to lose long-standing contacts with the other partner universities, the Academy team held online lectures in SPbPU’s digital classrooms.

International Energy Academy opened a full-time summer program

During the pandemic period, many Academy courses were updated and enriched with new disciplines, and young Polytechnic specialists joined the classes to tell students about the practical application of knowledge in various specialties.

At the moment, several educational modules are constantly running at the Academy: «Nuclear Engineering», «Electric Engineering», «Digitalization in Energy Industry», «Hydrogen Energy». One of the most topical courses is «Energy Efficiency and Sustainable Development», in which students are told about the real situation in renewable energy and technologies.

Traditionally, programs on Russian language and culture are very popular. This year participants were offered several thematic modules. Foreign students studied the Russian language and improved their practical skills of communication in the language environment, familiarized themselves with Russian literature, history and art.

International students get acquainted with the city

Thanks to full-time participation in the summer programs, the guys learned a lot about Polytechnic University and St. Petersburg, as well as gained a unique experience of intercultural communication with tutors.

Students who have successfully completed the training receive certificates of program completion with ETS credits. This certificate gives the opportunity to retake the course studied at their home university as part of their main educational program.

Excellent impressions of the summer school - 2023 in the atmosphere of Polytechnic University and St. Petersburg

At the summer school, I deepened my understanding of machine learning and improved my communication skills. I am sincerely grateful for organizing such a great course, shared Shuai Wang (Zhejiang University, China), a student of the course «Machine Learning: Theory and Applications».

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