More than a hundred international students took part in a career guidance meeting

8 February 2023 International activities 790

More than a hundred international students of St. Petersburg’s universities attended a career guidance meeting at the Resource Center of the International Campus of Polytechnic University. All of them are graduating this year from university foundation programs, in which they have mastered Russian language and plan to continue their studies at undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate courses of study at SPbPU. At the event, which was organized by the international Office of Polytechnic University, future students were introduced to the peculiarities of enrollment — in particular, registration and visa processing issues.

A career guidance meeting was held for international students in St. Petersburg at SPbPU

Anna Kolotayeva, deputy head of the International Education Department, representatives of passport and visa department and Centre for International Credential Evaluation of Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University spoke at the career guidance meeting. We ask foreign students to carefully study information about the admission process because their future studies depend on it said Anna Kolotayeva.

The first important thing for future international students of Polytechnic University is to visit the Centre for International Credential Evaluation to check their documents. The second important thing is to apply for admission to SPbPU. To do this, you need to register in the electronic personal account of the applicant and fill out the form. Personal accounts will be available to users in early April, the application must be completed by June 1, 2023. Login link will be sent to all international applicants later.

More than a hundred international students attended the orientation meeting

The enrollment phase of the university will start July 1, 2023, Anna Kolotayeva emphasized. After receiving information about admission, you can extend the visa in the Passport and Visa Department of SPbPU. Please note that you must extend the visa no later than 40 days before the expiration of the previous visa.

Prepared by the SPbPU International Office

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