Polytech Days opened in Uzbekistan

7 April 2023 International activities 549

Polytech Days have officially started in Uzbekistan. The series of large-scale events began at one of SPbPU’s key partners in Samarkand — Samarkand State University named after Sharaf Rashidov (hereinafter — SamSU). The universities opened the Joint Scientific and Educational Technology Center, summarized the results of the joint Polytechnic Engineering School and signed a partnership agreement and a roadmap. In addition, Polytechnic University brought to Samarkand State University a photo exhibition reflecting the depth of ties between Russia and Uzbekistan, as well as between the two universities.

Rector of SPbPU Andrei Rudskoi and Rector of SamSU Rustam Khalmuradov opened a joint scientific and educational technology center

The official delegation of SPbPU, headed by Rector Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences Andrei Rudskoi, was welcomed by Rector of SamSU Rustam Khalmuradov.

We are honored to see you at Samarkand State University. Polytechnic University is a very powerful, economy-forming university. It is very important for us not just to build bridges, but to create a reliable bridge with two-way traffic, which will be useful for both of us. I hope that our interaction will make a significant contribution to the development of the educational process, enable the implementation of large-scale joint projects and contribute to the strengthening of our scientific, technological, cultural and spiritual ties, said the Rector of SamSU.

Official delegation of SPbPU at the talks with the Samarkand State University administration

In his response greeting, Rector Andrei Rudskoi of SPbPU thanked the SamSU administration for their warm welcome and noted the extensive work that has been done over the past year, which has brought valuable practical results to the universities.

A year ago we agreed that we would combine the potential of our universities to implement two projects: creation of joint laboratories and a training system. And we have already obtained the first results — today we will open our joint Technological Center and present certificates to the students of the joint Engineering School, said Andrei Rudskoi. I am sure that a great future awaits us, work in the field of materials science, metallurgy, machine building, alternative energy sources and nuclear physics. We view our interaction with optimism, and it is important for us to promote the development of science, engineering and technology in brotherly and friendly countries.

It is important to note that the activities aimed at the development of SPbPU-SamSU partnership have received support and attention at the regional level: the governor of St. Petersburg Alexander Beglov and the khokim of Samarkand region Erkinjon Turdimov included the universities’ joint activities in the plan for the development of inter-regional cooperation between St. Petersburg and Samarkand.

SPbPU and Samarkand State University signed an agreement on cooperation and a roadmap

To strengthen and expand current areas of cooperation, the heads of SPbPU and SamSU signed a partnership agreement and a road map for 2023-2025. According to these documents, the current projects of the two universities will be well developed in the very near future. Also the universities agreed to support youth, cultural and humanitarian cooperation, to promote not only the development of engineering education, but also to take care of the spiritual and moral education of students.

Natalya Chicherina, Director of the Institute of Humanities, SPbPU, presented the concept of the photo exhibition, which opened at Samarkand State University

The theme of culture and art was reflected in the Polytechnic University photo exhibition, which opened on the site of SamSU. It was put together by representatives of the Institute for the Humanities and the SPbPU History Museum. The key concept of the exhibition was presented by Natalia Chicherina, director of the Institute of Humanities, and Valery Klimov, director of the History Museum. As noted by the creators, the project reflects the deep ties that unite Russia and Uzbekistan, Samarkand and St. Petersburg, SPbPU and Samarkand State University. In addition, visitors could learn about the 125-year history of Polytechnic University and the achievements and discoveries of the great polytechnic.

Director of SPbPU History Museum Valery Klimov spoke about the contribution of the Polytechnic to the development of world science

After visiting the photo exhibition, Rectors Andrei Rudskoi and Rustam Khalmuradov of SPbPU and SamSU inaugurated the joint Scientific and Educational Technology Center. The center now consists of a technology laboratory and a classroom located in the new building of the SamSU Institute of Engineering Physics. Even now specialists from SamSU conduct professional development programs, laboratory workshops for SamSU students and joint research activities with their colleagues from Samarkand. Even before the official opening of the center, the laboratories for material processing technology and applied physics began their work. The first results of joint activities were observed by the rectors of the two universities. For example, in the laboratory for automation of physical experiment the SamSU students, led by Director of the Institute of Electronics and Telecommunications Alexander Korotkov, demonstrated their skills of remote control of the equipment located at Polytechnic University, using the LabVIEW software platform. And the students of the course, led by Anton Naumov, associate professor at the Institute of Mechanical Engineering, Materials and Transport, demonstrated how a robot located at Polytechnic University could move around using programs they had written.

IMM&T Director Anatoly Popovich presented about SPbPU developments to the SamSU administration

The joint scientific and educational technology center of SPbPU and SamSU combines virtual, mirror and joint laboratories. In the near future, the universities plan to expand the center’s activities to several other important areas, such as biotechnology, biomedicine, and renewable energy.

IE&T Director Alexander Korotkov at a demonstration of remote control equipment located at SPbPU

In the final of the business program there was a ceremony of awarding certificates to the students of SamSU, who successfully passed the advanced training programs of St. Petersburg Polytechnic University within the framework of the joint Polytechnic Engineering School. More than 65 participants studied corporate management, advanced material processing technologies, change automation using LabVIEW, applied microalgae biotechnology, game engineering in foreign language teaching and many others.

Joint Polytechnic Engineering School Closing Ceremony

The school was held in a mixed format, including both online lectures and face-to-face classes. A unique feature was the use of virtual laboratories, where students of the School had access to interaction with SPbPU equipment while in Samarkand.

During the business negotiations the rectors of Samarkand State University and SPbPU had time to discuss the prospects for future development. Thus, Andrei Rudskoi stressed the readiness to offer Samarkand’s key partner the potential of the world-class laboratories of the Scientific Center and the Advanced Engineering School programs. The concept of these two national projects creates that unique fusion of science and education, practice-oriented training for graduate students and young scientists, which is now in demand worldwide. That is why so many industries and innovative companies from both Russia and other countries are embedded in the Polytechnic University ecosystem. The heads of the two universities also discussed opportunities for cooperation in postgraduate studies and attracting young scientists from SamSU to Polytechnic University’s programs.

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