Polytechnic congratulated Jiangsu Normal University on its anniversary

15 November 2022 International activities 535

Rector of SPbPU, Academician of Russian Academy of Sciences Andrei Rudskoi congratulated his Chinese colleagues on a significant date: one of the key partners of Polytechnic University in China — Jiangsu Normal University — celebrated its 70th anniversary. Central to the cooperation between the two universities is the issue of training and development of future specialists in promising areas. Joint Engineering Institute, which was opened by Polytechnic University and Jiangsu Normal University more than 6 years ago, today is the largest implemented educational project in the field of Russian-Chinese educational cooperation. In its time, it was the first such project that was supported by the Ministry of Education of the People’s Republic of China.

Video address by Rector of SPbPU, RAS Academician Andrei Rudskoi at the celebration of the 70th anniversary of Jiangsu Pedagogical University

Through our joint efforts, our universities have trained more than a thousand Chinese specialists, many of whom were also trained within the walls of Peter the Great Polytechnic University. I am sure that all of them will make a worthy contribution to the development of the People’s Republic of China, commented Andrei Rudskoi.

The Rector of Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University also pointed out the diversity of the partnership relations between Polytechnic University and Jiangsu Normal University. These are joint programs of study for Chinese students, the joint Russian Language Center, which for many years has been engaged in the professional development of teachers of Russian and training of Chinese students, and scientific and educational cooperation, and participation in various cultural events. To maintain a high level of partnership helps not only cooperation at the level of university management, but also established friendly relations of scientists, professors, teachers and students.

Rector of Jiangsu Normal University Dr. Ruguang Zhou warmly thanked the head of SPbPU for his warm wishes. Your support is a great driving force for the development of Jiangsu Normal University, stressed Dr. Ruguang Zhou. Rector of Jiangsu Normal University also expressed his hope that the two universities would have many more brilliant joint projects and creative initiatives in the future.

Prepared by the SPbPU International Office

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