Polytechnic University presented best practices of integrating international Erasmus projects into the university development strategy

7 July 2021 International activities 746

Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University presented the best practices of Erasmus international projects integration into the university development strategy within the international conference «Internationalization and Erasmus+ projects in Russia». The event was held online on June 29 and 30, 2021. Alla MAZINA, Deputy Head of the International Education Office, represented Polytechnic University.

SPbPU took part in the international online conference "Internationalization and Erasmus+ projects in Russia

The conference was attended by representatives of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation, the The European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA), the Delegation of the European Union to Russia, Russian and European participants in Erasmus+ projects, and representatives of Russian and foreign universities. The program included panel discussions and thematic sessions on internationalization, digitalization, sustainable development, methodological innovations, etc.

Eighteen of the best Erasmus+ projects were selected across Russia for the international conference. As part of the «Erasmus+ Implementation Contexts: Examples» session, Polytechnic University presented a wide range of international projects. We showed how our projects are built into the development strategy of the university at the institutional level, and how they influence the regional partnership with other universities,» emphasized the speaker from SPbPU Alla MAZINA. «First of all, we wanted to share with Russian and foreign colleagues our experience in the application of best practices of our partners for effective implementation of the development strategy of the university in many key areas, such as the creation and implementation of world-class international educational programs, improvement of digital literacy and access to information. It is noteworthy that four of the projects presented by the participants of the international conference are jointly implemented with Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University.

The 18 best Erasmus+ projects were selected for the international conference across Russia

The passed international conference was aimed at further development of the internationalization of higher education in Russia and strengthening the presence of Russian higher education in the European Higher Education Area. The organizers noted the high level of the implemented projects and their significant potential for achieving the set goals.

Prepared by the SPbPU International Office

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