The second Russian-Spanish Week of Language and Culture has started

17 November 2020 International activities 1721

The second Russian-Spanish Language and Culture Week has officially started. From November 16 to 20, lectures, master classes, round tables and seminars, an online quiz "What? Where? When?" and a concert of flamenco will be held for participants from more than 30 countries. In total, over 600 users have signed up for the events of the Week, which makes it one of the largest Russian-Spanish events in the field of culture and education.

The second Russian-Spanish Language and Culture Week started online.

At the official opening ceremony, which was held online, the heads of participating universities, top officials of embassies and friendly organizations greeted the guests. Andrei Rudskoi, Rector of SPbPU, Academician of the RAS, addressed the audience on behalf of the organizing university of the Week: “The most important thing is that neither distance nor closed borders can affect our warm friendly relations, which have only become stronger during the pandemic,” said the Rector. “Russia and Spain have a long and rich history of cooperation in both humanitarian and scientific spheres. But the key to success in any partnership will always be the ability to understand each other. That is why mutual communication, learning of mentality, culture, languages of our countries, immersion into the richest musical and literary heritage is so important. This is one of the main goals of our Russian-Spanish week of language and culture, which has already become a tradition.”

Rector of the University of Cadiz Francisco Piniella CORBACHO supported his Russian colleague; he noted in his address that the Second Russian-Spanish Language and Culture Week has three important points. “First, the Week that we spent last year showed the highest results. Secondly, we will not let any virus stop the Russian-Spanish cooperation and so we set ourselves the task to organize this event at all costs. And finally, we - I am talking now about St. Petersburg Polytechnic University and the University of Cadiz - have faith in this project and rely on it as an ideal means of constant interaction between our countries, their peoples and university communities.”

Rector of SPbPU, Andrei Rudskoi, Academician of the RAS greeted the participants

On behalf of the Federal Agency for the Commonwealth of Independent States, Compatriots Living Abroad and International Humanitarian Cooperation (Rossotrudnichestvo), Deputy Head Pavel Shevtsov addressed the participants of the Week with a welcoming speech. He emphasized that holding such an international event even in an online format is proof of its demand as a platform for discussing the prospects of humanitarian cooperation between our countries. “It is important that Russian-Spanish relations have a solid historical foundation. I sincerely believe that true patriots of their countries, who know the true price of friendly relations between our countries and peoples, have gathered here today.” The head of the Rossotrudnichestvo office in the Kingdom of Spain Sergey Sarymov joined Pavel Shevtsov’s congratulations; he expressed his confidence that Russian-Spanish Language and Culture Week will contribute to the development of partnership between the two countries.

The Russian-Spanish Language and Culture Week is traditionally supported by the Russian Embassy in Spain and the Embassy of Spain in Russia. The opening ceremony was attended by Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Yuri P. KORCHAGIN and Cultural Advisor of the Embassy of Spain in Russia Jorge SOLER. “The Coronavirus Pandemic prevented the Second Russian-Spanish Week from taking place on the hospitable land of Spain. At the same time, I am sure that nothing can prevent the active cultural and educational interaction between the peoples of Russia and Spain, and this event is a confirmation of this,” said the Ambassador. .

The Rector of the University of Cadiz Francisco Piniella Corbacho welcomed the participants

The fact that over 600 participants from all over the world showed interest in the events of the Second Russian-Spanish Language and Culture Week testifies to the rich and relevant program, which was prepared by the organizers throughout the year. Strong partnership relations, which Russian universities have with Spanish universities nowadays, played a big role in that. Dmitry Arseniev, Vice Rector for International Affairs of Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University, noted that in modern realities it is very important to go beyond borders and create common international spaces and communities. “The Russian-Spanish Week is just such a platform, where both professionals and just enthusiastic people interested in linguistics, languages, and culture get together. I am glad to see representatives of more than 30 countries here! I welcome our participants not only from Russia and Spain, but also from Portugal, Bolivia, Great Britain, Chile, Mexico, Haiti, Poland and many other countries. Such unity of our countries, cultures and peoples, in creating a community of like-minded people is one of the main objectives and humanitarian missions of the Russian-Spanish Language and Culture Week.”

In her turn, Vice-Rector for Internationalization of the University of Cadiz Rafael Jiménez CASTANINEDA said that Russia is a priority region for the development of cooperation for the Spanish university. “We would not allow the Coronavirus pandemic to slow down our plans and we continue to move forward. Together with our Russian colleagues we have already started discussing the third Russian-Spanish week of language and culture, and we very much hope that it will be held in a face-to-face format at the University of Cadiz. And given the success of the Week in the virtual space, we expect to go on with a number of events in the online format.”

On behalf of Rossotrudnichestvo, Deputy Director Pavel Shevtsov addressed the participants of the Week with a welcoming speech

The Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs and Internationalization of the Polytechnic University of Madrid, José Miguel ATIENZA supported his Russian and Spanish colleagues. For several years now, SPbPU and MPU have been working together as strategic partners. Within the framework of the Second Russian-Spanish Week of Language and Culture, colleagues from Madrid Polytechnic University will hold several events. Mr. José Miguel ATIENZA emphasized that Russian-Spanish relations are developing at a dynamic pace and show good results. “Despite the fact that the Second Russian-Spanish Week is humanitarian in nature, I would like to note that we are developing cooperation in many areas, including science and technology. I wish all participants to find such points of interaction that will bring the most significant results in the future.”

The National Research University “Higher School of Economics” (NRU HSE) will also hold its events. Vice-Rector for International Cooperation of the National Research University Higher School of Economics Ivan PROSTAKOV noted that the Russian-Spanish Week is an event dedicated to two global languages, which are working for many global organizations, including the UN and UNESCO. “The week, which began today, makes a significant contribution to cultural and scientific and educational diversity.”

Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Yuri Korchagin congratulated the participants on the opening of the Second Russian-Spanish Week.

Immediately after the opening ceremony of the Second Russian-Spanish Language and Culture Week, Olga Volosyuk, a teacher of the Higher School of Economics, gave a lecture in Spanish entitled “Spain and Russia on the two shores of Europe: relations over the centuries,” a master class on culture “Excursion to Russian cities,” Russian and Spanish lessons and a poetry evening. A series of fascinating lectures, seminars, round tables and other events are ahead of the participants. All relevant events can be found in the official Facebook group of the Week.

The 2nd Russian-Spanish Language and Culture Week is held in cooperation with National Research University “Higher School of Economics” (Russia) and Madrid Polytechnic University (Spain). The event is held with institutional support of the RF Embassy in Spain, the Spanish Embassy in the RF, the Russian Center for Culture and Science in Madrid and the Cervantes Institute in Moscow, the International Association of Russian Language Teachers and Literature and the Russian Society of teacher of the Russian Language and Literature, the Associations of Spaniards of Russia and the Spanish Association of Russian Language and Culture Professionals, and the International Public Foundation for Culture and Education.

Prepared by the SPbPU International Office. Text: Olga DOROFEYEVA

Besides us, the opening of the Second Russian-Spanish Language and Culture Week was reported about in:

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