Secrets of “green” technologies. The Polytechnic share experience with Chinese colleagues

11 March 2024 International activities 313

A team of researchers from the Graduate School of Hydraulic and Power Engineering of SPbPU, led by Professor Natalia Politayeva, will take part in an international Chinese project to develop water desalination and purification technologies. The relevant joint initiative of SPbPU and the Chinese company Shandong Grad Group was supported by the Government of Shandong Province to implement the project within three years.

SPbPU's research team

The problem of fresh water is relevant for both Russia and China. In regions that are poorly supplied with fresh water but are close to seawater sources, the use of highly efficient desalination methods can help solve the problem. There are many seawater sources around the world, so desalination and purification projects are relevant to many countries.

Shandong Grad Group is a large Chinese enterprise specializing in the development and implementation of air and water purification systems. The company’s products are represented by more than 130 types of products. In search of innovative solutions, the company seeks to cooperate with leading universities both in China and around the world. For this reason, with the support of the SPbPU Representative Office in Shanghai, cooperation between the company and Polytechnic researchers has begun.

The main idea of the joint project is to develop an integrated method of water desalination. Thus, it is planned to use various methods such as membrane purification and purification with the use of ferrates to improve water quality.

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The SPbPU team already has serious experience in implementing projects in this area, for example, in developing methods for extracting harmful substances from wastewater. The research team has also accumulated competencies in the production and use of ferrates for disinfection and wastewater treatment.

Our project is primarily aimed at applied research, comments Natalia Politayeva. The industrial partner on the Chinese side, Shandong Grad Group, plans to implement the results in its production. I am sure that the experience gained will be useful for both Chinese and Russian scientists. And in the future this technology will be spread both in China and Russia, taking into account the specific needs of the markets of both countries.

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