SPbPU and colleagues from China will establish a Center for Smart Materials and Intelligent Technologies

1 June 2023 International activities 542

A trilateral agreement on the establishment of the scientific and educational center for Smart Materials and Intellectual Technologies in Hangzhou based on the ETRI was signed by SPbPU, Zhejiang Chinese-Russian Engineering Research Institute, and the Hangzhou city government of Zhejiang province. The visit to China by an official delegation from SPbPU is a development and continuation of the government visit to the PRC by Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin. The trip is aimed at fulfilling the relevant instructions on the development of scientific and technological cooperation between Russia and China.

Polytechnic University with colleagues from China will establish a research and development Center for Smart Materials and Intellectual Technologies

Signing of the agreement implies long-term sustainable cooperation between the leading organizations of the Russian Federation and the People’s Republic of China, corresponds to the general strategy of development of Russian-Chinese scientific and technological relations and is in the context of implementation of the instructions of the Government of Russia. Under the document it is planned to launch new educational programs and retraining in the field of additive and advanced production technologies until 2025.

During the negotiations, the colleagues from Hangzhou supported the project proposed by Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University on the application of additive technologies in medicine, in particular, in the field of prosthetics. «Polytechnic University has experience in practical implementation of such technologies, and Chinese colleagues highly appreciated the level of competence of the Polytechnic and the potential of such scientific and technical developments,» said Rector of SPbPU, RAS Academician Andrei Rudskoi.

Mr. Zhang Li, First Secretary of the Party, Head of the Yuhang District Organization Department, noted the long-term partnership and broad experience of interaction between SPbPU and Zhejiang provincial organizations, and expressed gratitude for SPbPU’s active participation in the scientific and technical life of the region.

The SPbPU delegation has a full program of the visit — official talks with the government of Hangzhou in Zhejiang Province, visits to leading universities, scientific and technological centers and enterprises, signing of cooperation agreements. Official meetings with the management of Zhejiang University — a leading university of the region and the country, a strategic partner of SPbPU, as well as visits to a number of other universities in the province and visits to a joint research and educational center and industrial enterprises are also planned for the coming days.

Currently, SPbPU partners include more than 50 universities in China

There are currently more than 50 Chinese universities partnering with SPbPU. The most active cooperation is with the strategic partners: Tsinghua University and Zhejiang University. SPbPU also works closely with Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Xi’an Jiaotong University, Jiangsu Normal University, Lanzhou University of Finance and Economics.

More than 2,150 students and postgraduate students from the PRC study at Polytechnic University in general education programs (including 73 postgraduate students). In April 2016, a representative office of our university was established in Shanghai — the first representative office of a Russian university in China.

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