SPbPU and KRSU signed a roadmap for the next two years

17 April 2024 International activities 305

The key event of the days of educational, scientific and international cooperation, which took place in Bishkek on April 15 and 16, was the signing of a roadmap for the global modernization of the Faculty of Science and Technology and the Faculty of Architecture, Design and Construction of KRSU.

Polytech and Kyrgyz-Russian Slavic University signed the roadmap

The signed document is the result of a great and fruitful work. For 2024-2025 there are detailed specific steps, with deadlines and indicators, on which the partners will now move so that the next academic year KRSU began in a completely new format.

Signing ceremony

The document was signed by Andrei Rudskoi, Rector of SPbPU, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, and Denis Fomin-Nilov, Acting Rector of KRSU.

Igor Maslov and Olga Petrova

The signing ceremony was followed by an off-site meeting on priority areas of KRSU development. It was there that Polytechnic specialists gave a detailed account of the forthcoming action plan and future work. KRSU should become the leading university in Kyrgyzstan offering advanced engineering education. The key task is to train highly qualified personnel for the country’s economy.

Retreat on priority directions of KRSU development

Polytechnic University seriously approached the task to become a mentor in modernization of Kyrgyz-Russian Slavic University engineering education. In winter the roadmap for the construction direction was signed and in spring the application for a joint grant from the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation for the realization of a scientific project in this area was submitted.

Maria Vrublevskaya and Lyudmila Pankova

A team of the best experts from Polytechnic University worked here for several days together with colleagues from KRSU. They conducted an in-depth analysis and assessment of the state, resources and potential of the university. Two project sessions were also held. The purpose of the modernization session is to identify problem areas, offer recommendations and specific steps for modernization and development of KRSU engineering training system.

Participants of the retreat

The purpose of the session on working with student communities was to work out the formats of KRSU communities, programs of their development, possible joint projects with young people of Polytechnic and other Russian universities. There is already a major practical result — the Slavic Educational Online Center project has been launched. In a few days, Polytechnic students literally created a special online education portal from scratch.

Representatives of departments and universities of Russia and Kyrgyzstan

After the meeting, the delegation moved to the Center for Youth Initiatives and Scientific and Technological Entrepreneurship of KRSU. There Polytechnic University signed an agreement with the presidential platform ANO «Russia — a country of opportunities». It is aimed at creating a close relationship and cooperation in the field of youth policy.

Signing of the agreement in the center of youth initiatives and scientific-technological entrepreneurship KRSU

Now it is important to agree on the topics of joint activities, to integrate KRSU students with the projects of Polytechnic University, including programs for the development of student entrepreneurship.

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