SPbPU and KRSU Student Communities: Shaping Our Future
In 2024, SPbPU expanded its activities to support Slavic Universities. One of the important areas was the development of student communities based on SPbPU’s own best practices and the Accelerator of Student Communities and Youth Initiatives developed by SPbPU.
SPbPU associations that took up a new ambitious international challenge Polymer Student Media Center, Adapters Public Institute, Polytechnic Student Scientific Society, PCPS physics students, ReGreen environmental community, Black Bears-Polytech Sports Club and Club and United Student Council of Dormitories.
The updated program of «Accelerator of Student Communities and Youth Initiatives» included three modules aimed at forming systemic knowledge about the organization of activities in communities.
The methodological block covered schemes of organizing student communities at all stages of their existence, with an emphasis on continuity and the «values-principles-rule» triad for the formation of a positive mission. They also considered interaction with stakeholders, including universities, analyzing the experience of SPbPU communities.
The group work allowed participants to apply the theory to their communities, and the study of successful practices was carried out at two levels: global and small communities. In addition to the substantial theoretical part of the Accelerator, our guys shared their experience, told stories of their associations, discussed the peculiarities of interaction with the external environment and organization of the internal structure of communities.
All participants of the student division noted the great importance of effective media work in the realization of youth policy of any university. In the course of communication with the youth activists of KRSU the main difficulties of organization of this activity were revealed.
Based on the results of the strategic session and the Accelerator, the student division was convinced that it is necessary to start systematic organizational work in the sports direction at KRSU, especially since there are all the prerequisites for this — from strong athletes in various sports to the great interest in sports activities on the part of students. And in the «image of KRSU graduate» students themselves want to see the sports component weightier in the life of students. The Black Bears-Polytech Student Sports Club invited KRSU students to participate in our future online chess and cyber sports tournaments.
Also as part of the strategy session, activities were held on the Student Community Accelerator Program. The experience of its implementation at KRSU in spring 2024 was positive and in November-December the updated program was launched, which now also provides for online formats of classes.
The strategic session and the gas pedal program were attended by Sergey Salkutsan, Director of the Center for Digital Engineering of the Advanced Engineering School of SPbPU, Georgy Kvekveskiri, Deputy Head of the Youth Policy Department of SPbPU, and Pavel Kozlovsky, Deputy Director of the Center for Digital Engineering of the Advanced Engineering School of SPbPU.
As a result of the visit of polytechnics to KRSU, contacts were established with the youth activists of KRSU and interesting projects were proposed for joint implementation.