SPbPU and Ibero-America: new partners in Portugal

29 April 2020 International activities 1451

In spite of the pandemic situation, universities all over the world continue to develop and strengthen academic cooperation online. On the last week Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University and Instituto Politécnico do Porto, P.PORTO (Portugal) held joint online meeting in order to get acquainted with each other. SPbPU was represented by Lana KALIKINA, Regional Coordinator: Ibero-American Partners, International Office, and Alex KRASNOV, International Cooperation Coordinator of Graduate School of Service and Trade. On behalf of Polytechnic of Porto in the meeting participated Flávio FERREIRA, President of the School of Hospitality and Tourism, Cândida SILVA, International Cooperation Coordinator, President of the Technical Scientific Council, and Teresa PATACO, Vice-President of the Technical Scientific Council.

SPbPU and P.PORTO defined mutual interests couple of months ago. In March 2020 in the framework of staff train internship in Porto Lana KALIKINA met with the representatives of School of Engineering, and also with the Vice-Rector for International Relations and representatives of the International Office of P.PORTO. Following the meeting the parties agreed to sign the framework agreement and work plan for 2020-2021. At the moment agreement is under the confirmation and will be signed by the end of spring. After the visit, several P.PORTO schools, in particular, School of Hospitality and Tourism, expressed their interest in cooperation with SPbPU.

SPbPU and Ibero-America: new partners in Portugal

On April 24, 2020, SPbPU International Office organized online conference with the School of Hospitality and Tourism. On the meeting participants presented their universities and schools, and discussed possible ways for cooperation between the institutes in the field of tourism and hospitality, including the possibility to launch joint Summer School modules, joint research work of professors and students and participation of P.PORTO in joint Students Project Marathon 2020, as well in the SPbPU visiting professors program.

Portuguese colleagues suggested to start cooperation with the student exchange in the field of hotel and tourism management, and joint research work of professors and students. At the School successfully operates Tourism and Hospitality Research Centre, where researchers promote and boost research activities and carry out research studies in the areas of Hospitality, Catering and Tourism, alone or partnering with external organizations and research centers.

In order to launch joint Students Project Marathon with P.PORTO in the fall semester 2020, the parties agreed to determine the topics for the students projects and to establish direct contacts between professors by September. Master degree students will participate in the Project, and topics of the projects will correlate with their thesis topics.

After signing of the framework agreement between universities, Schools’ coordinators will agree on the interinstitutional student exchange agreement, and will apply for joint participation in ERASMUS+ Mobility project.

“I would like to note the positive attitude of Portuguese colleagues towards development of international cooperation in the field of tourism and hospitality. It is a pleasure to know that our cooperation can be diverse, starting from the student projects, and continuing in the future with joint research and double diploma programs. Industry of tourism and hospitality is very flexible and changes from year to year. International projects and cooperation will allow us to evaluate the best practices of other countries, adopt national experience, and take into account cultural characteristics. We hope to keep the initial positive attitude and develop fruitful cooperation in the future,”- commented Alex KRASNOV.

Prepared by SPbPU International Office

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