Terrorism is a threat to society. The most important topic of our time was discussed at Polytechnic University

2 May 2024 International activities 309

Polytechnic University hosted a seminar for international students on «Terrorism is a threat to society». The event brought together leading experts who delivered warnings on the importance of vigilance and awareness in today’s world.

Seminar for international students

The participants were welcomed by Maxim Pasholikov, Vice-Rector for Youth Policy and Communication Technologies of SPbPU: The world around us is huge and complex, and every day it becomes even more confusing. There are many different shades in it. Sometimes we need to see the difference between black and white to understand complex situations. To make sense of it, you need to know where threats can come from, how they are categorized and how to respond to them.

The participants were welcomed by Maxim Pasholikov, Vice-Rector for Youth Policy and Communication Technologies of SPbPU

Andrei Drushlyakov, Deputy Chairman of the Committee on Interethnic Relations and Implementation of Migration Policy in St. Petersburg, showed foreign students a special film designed to warn and explain where the danger comes from.

Experts emphasized the danger of false teachings and manipulations, warning students against falling under the influence of extremist groups.

Andrei Drushlyakov, Deputy Chairman of the Committee on Interethnic Relations and Implementation of Migration Policy

Specialists discussed the threats associated with using the Internet to spread radical ideas and recruit new members.

The seminar was an important step in ensuring student safety

The seminar was an important step in ensuring student safety and fostering critical thinking. The participants of the event gained valuable knowledge and recommendations on how to prevent terrorist threats in everyday life.

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