Youth brotherhood: WYF2024 participants share their impressions

14 March 2024 International activities 365

The World Youth Festival has come to an end. And all participants without exception received a lot of unforgettable emotions, interesting acquaintances and useful discoveries. Foreign guests of the large-scale forum shared their impressions. Among them were Polytechnic University students.

Rituraj Borthakur, Master's degree student at SPbPU

For Rituraj Borthakur, a Master’s degree student in Electrical Power Engineering at SPbPU, the university space has opened up new opportunities: I am very happy that I was able to attend the World Youth Festival. It is a great opportunity for me to meet many high profile foreign personalities. I have made many new friends and shared my knowledge here, which has helped me to better understand the different cultures of people from all over the world.

Shawuya Jigeer, PhD student of IIME&T

During the festival, Shawuya Jigeer, an IIME&T PhD student from China, attended lectures given by respected experts from Russia and around the world: I really enjoyed the lectures on finance and social issues. In addition, I took part in a number of cultural events with participants from different parts of Russia, Asia and Africa, which gave me the opportunity to closely communicate with cultures from different regions of Russia and different world cultures.

Asliya Boturova from the Republic of Tajikistan

Asliya Boturova from Tajikistan tried to visit as many activities of the festival as possible: Greetings from sunny Tajikistan. I would like to share my impressions about the amazing World Youth Festival. I am delighted with the hospitality of the people and the organization of the event down to the smallest detail. It is really enjoyable. The festival is so busy that I tried to have time to attend as many events as possible.

Naglaa Fathi Lithu from Egypt (left)

Naglaa Fathi Lithu from Egypt. She is Egypt’s global youth ambassador to the United Nations: I am pleasantly surprised by the Russian people, the volunteers of the festival, the organization itself and the fact that Russia is letting the voice of youth resound around the world. I attended the strategy session of the Russian-African Network University. Here the grand prospects of cooperation between Russia, Egypt and other African countries were discussed. I am happy to be here and see the value of cooperation between Russian and Egyptian culture and the need for Egyptian universities and organizations to join the consortium. We participated in the Engineering Fusion game — it was educational and exciting. I got to know Polytechnic more closely and am excited about the opportunities this international university offers. Since I am the Global Youth Ambassador of Egypt to the UN, when I return to my home country I will make sure that as many people as possible learn about Polytechnic University and try to enroll here.

Albina Bakurina, manager of the International Students Office and Pelinah Gorata Pinaemang

Pelinah Gorata Pinaemang is originally from Botswana. The festival was a real treat for her: For me, a big discovery was Polytechnic University — it is a dream university where scholarships are available for master’s and postgraduate programs, including quantitative finance. I believe that when I return to my country, I will be able to share my experience with other young people and help them qualify for these scholarships. In addition, I hope to receive a scholarship from the Ministry of Education.

For even more WFM-2024 reviews, check out the Polytechnic University’s official English-language channel. Subscribe to be the first to know about all international events.

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