Happy Birthday, Our Favorite Polytech!

19 February 2016 1727

For each student of the Polytechnic University February, 19 is something more than just a date in the calendar. This day, 117 years ago, the glorious history of our wonderful university began. Today we are celebrating the birthday of the Polytechnic University!

Санкт-Петербургский политехнический университет Петра Великого отмечает день рождения

This day in 1899 St. Petersburg Polytechnic Institute was founded. In January, 1900 Prince A.G.Gagarin, who also headed the Special Construction Commission, was appointed the director of the Institute. In spring of the same year A.G.Gagarin and architect E.F.Wirrich set off the detailed investigation of the equipment and operation in leading European higher technical schools. As a result, the project of the Polytech was based on the aggregated experience of the best 36 foreign educational institutions.

19 февраля по старому стилю в 1899 году был основан Санкт-Петербургский политехнический институт

Today, 117 years later, Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University is one of the leading technical universities in Russia. Behind this impressive date there are the path full of significant events and striking accomplishments, and, of course, the entire constellation of outstanding scientists, professors, and teachers. The University enjoys the deserved authority in the world's scientific and educational community. The diploma of SPbPU is a warranty of the comprehensive knowledge, serious vocational training, and broad outlook.

Happy Birthday, Our Favorite Polytech!

Remembering the rich history of the University, great achievements, and people who glorified it, Rector A.I.Rudskoy noted that “we are celebrating our current birthday with dignity and triumph.” “The event, which is difficult to evaluate, occurred 117 years ago. The evaluation is formed for centuries, and it is determined by the impact which the event has had on the development and formation of our country. This event is the foundation of the Polytechnic University.

Happy Birthday, Our Favorite Polytech!

From then on, we are moving forward, clearly realizing our uniqueness and the need of our homeland, because it is difficult to find an area of knowledge where alumni of our University have not played a prominent role,” – the Rector explained. Handing over diplomas to the high-flyers of the Student Scientific Society,, the rector clarified his own vision of success or failure in the profession: “I have dedicated the whole life to science. And it is great work which is impossible to be done without passion. The most important thing to understand is that there are no bad professions. The problem is insufficient expertise in any scientific field. Everything is determined by the profound knowledge and your future professionalism. Acquiring knowledge and applying it skillfully always brings satisfaction. Therefore, the fundamental knowledge, ability to learn and perceive something new are the things we teach you here, and, I am sure, no one will regret graduating from the Polytechnic University.”

Happy Birthday, Our Favorite Polytech!

We whole-heartedly congratulate the students, alumni, administration, faculty, staff, and everyone who cares about our University on this wonderful holiday – the birthday of the Polytechnic University! We thank all who contribute their knowledge, talent and efforts to make the University relevant to the present day!


Media Center, SPbPU

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