SPbPU at the International Student Legal Forum

13 May 2024 Affiliates 280

The Polytechnic participated in the International Student Legal Forum «SLF International», which was held for two weeks at the Russian-Armenian (Slavonic) University in Yerevan. A total of 14 universities from Russia and Armenia participated in the forum.

The Polytechnic participated in the International Student Legal Forum “SLF International”

SPbPU students Valery Pivnitsky and Evgeny Mednis presented their research papers under the guidance of Natalia Danshina and Valentina Gogoleva, associate professors of the Higher School of Law and Forensic Science. As a result, Evgeny Mednis became a prize-winner of the forum, and his report was recognized as the best at the round table session «Cyber Law and Cyber Security». The student was given an opportunity to intern at a branch of Fora Bank in St. Petersburg.

Valery Pivnitsky and Evgeny Mednis with professor Natalia Danshina

During the forum, discussions, round tables and master classes were held on a wide range of topics: participants discussed historical and theoretical aspects of the development of the legal systems of the CIS and EAEU countries, modern challenges and solutions of international law in the context of the changing geopolitical environment, and much more.

«SLF.International» is a joint project of O.E. Kutafin University (MGJA) and RAU, and now SPbPU. It is a logical continuation of the Student Legal Forum held in friendly countries with the participation of foreign and Russian students, faculty representatives and practicing lawyers.

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