Students of the Belarusian University of Economics visited Polytechnic University

3 May 2024 Affiliates 295

At the end of April, students of the Marketing and Logistics Department of the Belarusian State Economic University (BSEU) visited the IIME&T Graduate School of Production Management. The visit was organized by the management of BSEU on the initiative of the students themselves, who had already visited Polytechnic University last April.

Students of the of the Belarusian State Economic University

Since 2022, we have been cooperating with the Faculty of Marketing and Logistics. Our students of the programs «Marketing» and «International Logistics» have already three times participated in the events, organized at BSEU. Each time it was a bright impression and a new charge of enthusiasm. Now, meeting again with Belarusian students, we saw many familiar faces. This format of academic mobility between universities is the best practice, and we intend to support and develop it, emphasized the Director of IIME&T Vladimir Shchepinin.

BSEU students met with the Institute’s management and teachers of the Higher School of Production Management in the IIME&T meeting halls, where dissertation councils are held, among other things. The Belarusian guests were interested to see where candidate and doctoral dissertations in economic sciences are defended.

Deputy Director of IIME&T for International Activities Nikita Lukashevich and Associate Professor Anastasiy Klimin told about the educational and cultural program prepared for the guests.

Nikita Lukashevich and Anastasiy Klimin told about the educational and cultural program
With the faculty of the Graduate School of Production Management

It’s important for us to show the best teaching practices and introduce the young people to the experts who work at the undergraduate and graduate marketing programs, said GSPM Director Olga Kalinina.

Students in classes and master classes
Many workshops took place during the visit

In addition to lectures and practical classes there were master classes «Business promotion based on video content», «There is a contract!», «Create a unique offer on the market».

Students at a master class on production management

The guests also got acquainted with the sights of St. Petersburg.

The guests also got acquainted with the sights of St. Petersburg.

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