Results of the International Conference "Consortia Library Systems: Technologies and Innovations"

6 July 2016 University life 10331

Large XV International Scientific and Practical Conference and Exhibition "Consortia Library Systems: Technologies and Innovations", which took place at different venues in Russia and Belgium, has come to an end.

Results of the International Conference Consortia Library Systems: Technologies and Innovations

The main events of the conference traditionally took place at Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University. At the opening ceremony, occurred in the SPbPU White Hall, the participants of the conference were welcomed by Vice-Rector, press-secretary D.I. KOUZNETSOV. Dmitry Ivanovich emphasized the special importance of library services: "For us, polytechnics, the library complex is not just a heart, but a cardiovascular system of the whole Polytech."

Results of the International Conference Consortia Library Systems: Technologies and Innovations

The key report at the plenary session, which started after the opening remarks, was the report by the Head of SPbPU Information and Library Complex A.I. PLEMNEK "Consistency in Changeability". Aleksandr Ivanovich talked in detail on how libraries should develop in modern conditions.

Results of the International Conference Consortia Library Systems: Technologies and Innovations

The reports of the largest foreign publishing houses were presented at the conference: Springer, IEEE, and Euromonitor International. Springer Nature publishing house is a strategic partner of the university: they have signed the agreement on collaboration in 2016. Area manager in IEEE Judith BRADY talked about new approaches to stimulating customers' need in library resources and innovations.

Results of the International Conference Consortia Library Systems: Technologies and Innovations

Simultaneously with the plenary session, the exhibition started in the reading-hall of the Fundamental Library of SPbPU. There, the participants familiarized themselves with the activity of SPbPU Information and Library Complex, which combines the Fundamental Library, the Information and Library Systems Center, and the Digital Reprography Center.

The work of the round-table meeting, devoted to DOI, was relevant and interesting. In 2016, , SPbPU has become a member of DataCite and got a right to register scientific data banks in Russian organizations and to assign DOI to scientific data in these data banks. Dreyer BRITTA, the head of the DOI service in Leibniz Library of Hannover University, talked about digital objects identification (DOI), DataCite Association, and its practical implementation.

After a 2-day agenda at St. Petersburg Polytechnic University, the conference continued in Belgium. Thus, at the University of Antwerp, a round-table meeting on collaboration forms of consortia in Belgium and Russia took place. The second day of the additional agenda the participants of the conference spent in the University of Ghent, and the whole 7-day conference "Consortia Library Systems: Technologies and Innovations" ended in Bruges, where the participants were told about Belgian public libraries, their services and projects.

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