International students of Polytechnic University visited Pushkin and Kronstadt

6 October 2022 University life 461

Informative excursions for international students of Polytechnic University are becoming a tradition: in September more than 40 students went to Kronstadt and Pushkin. This time, students from China, Colombia, Armenia, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Belarus, Ecuador, Peru, Iran, Haiti and many other countries attended the trips. Tours are conducted by the International Office of Polytechnic University, assisted by Tutor Forces. Tutors announce events in social networks, compile lists of participants, and accompany international students on trips.

Cultural and educational excursions are regularly held for international students at SPbPU

In the summer, we started organizing excursions for international students at Polytechnic University on the initiative of Vice-Rector for International Affairs. The students perceive such events with great enthusiasm, for them the support and attention of their favorite university is very important: many speak about it when they share their impressions, commented Pavel Nedelko, Assistant Vice-Rector for International Affairs.

In Kronshtadt, the international students got acquainted with the historical part of the town and its sightseeing, learnt interesting facts about the shipping industry formation in Russia and visited Kronshtadt St. Nicholas’ Cathedral which is a unique memorial of the Russian fleet. Despite rainy weather, the walk lasted for several hours.

International students from SPbPU visited Kronstadt

In Kronstadt, our guide showed us the sights and told us the history of the city. It was a rainy day, and for the most part we walked around the beautiful places under an umbrella, which created a really romantic atmosphere. Through this tour, I got to meet a lot of students from different countries. And also I took a lot of beautiful pictures to remember. I will remember this trip with a smile on my face. Thank you to everyone who came with us, we had a great time! shared IMM&T student from Uzbekistan Narmakhan Ongarov.

International students from SPbPU visited Pushkin

In Pushkin, international students visited the State Museum-Reserve «Tsarskoe Selo», where they visited Catherine and Alexander Parks, admired palaces and pavilions and learned about the work of famous architects who participated in their construction.

The tour was informative and exciting. We visited many beautiful places — Catherine Palace, Alexander Park, walked along the beautiful streets of the city and learned its history, said Kamazhay Kurbanova, a student of ICST from Kazakhstan.

Information about announcements of the following excursions and other events for international and Russian students can be obtained in the official tutor service communities TutorForces and the international student club PolyUnion on the social network VKontakte.

Prepared by the SPbPU International office

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