Polytech Christmas & New Year Wishes 2022

30 December 2021 University life 596

Traditionally in December, Polytech international students take part in filming a New Year video greeting. Its theme changes from year to year: for example, at the end of 2020, the video was based on a popular social network challenge «Pereday drugomu» («Pass it on to someone else»). International students from all over the world made short videos with New Year’s wishes, where, according to the script, they caught and passed a Christmas tree ornament behind the frame, which symbolized the connection between countries and continents.

This year, the idea for the New Year video was magical transformations. The main character was Harun TOKSHEN, a student of SPbPU from Turkey. According to the script, he found a Santa Claus hat in the park of Polytechnic University and became a magician himself for a while. Everyone who greeted Santa — and these were Polytechnic students from Turkey, Guinea, and Russia, as well as Admission Office managers — received a New Year’s transformation. Miracles happen, the main thing is to believe in them! said Harun TOKSHEN, who looked very harmonious in the image of the New Year wizard.

The students of the Higher School of Media Communications and Public Relations took part in the shooting and editing of the holiday video. They carried out this project as part of an internship in the International office of SPbPU.

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