Students made a plastic recycling device for Sberbank

1 April 2022 University life 398

Polytechnic students made a device for recycling solid plastic waste for the university’s partner SberBank. Sber plans to open collection points for plastic lids at their sites and promote responsible consumption among employees.

A shredder for plastic has already been installed in one of Sberbank’s offices

Vitaly Makhiboroda, a 2nd year master’s degree student of Institute of Advanced Manufacturing Technologies, Denis Nikolaev, a 2nd year Master’s degree student of Institute of Energy, and Vsevolod Zhdanov, the former head of the NCM student racing team, have developed a device with a roller mechanism for shredding plastic caps from bottles. In the future, the resulting flex will be sent to recycling companies.

The plastic shredder (that’s what the team called their device) will increase the possibilities of recycling material, reduce logistics costs for its disposal, and make sorting and recycling profitable for business.

It’s good that large and significant organizations in Russia, like SBER, care about the rational use of resources. This is very motivating and shows the demand for our solutions in the market of the country, shared the project manager Vitaly Makhiboroda.

The assembled unit is already working in one of Sberbank’s offices. And the developers plan to create its improved version for recycling plastic bottles of different sizes.

The shredder for plastic can be useful for other companies aimed at compliance with the «green economy».

Prepared by the SPbPU Public Relations office according to the information of the Center for Youth Project Activities «Boiling Point — Fablab».

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