Welcome to celebrate the 125th anniversary of Polytechnic together!

31 January 2024 University life 359

Very soon, on February 19, our university will be 125 years old. By the decision of Emperor Nicholas II on the initiative of the Minister of Finance S. Y. Witte, the Polytechnic Institute was founded in St. Petersburg on February 19, 1899. On February 19, 1899 the Polytechnic Institute was founded in St. Petersburg. This date is considered to be the birthday of St. Petersburg Polytechnic.

On February 19, our university will be 125 years old.

On February 17 there will be a meeting of alumni of all generations. On this day you can plunge into memories and walk around the memorable places of your student years.

What will happen on this day at Polytechnic? At 12:00 will begin the registration of guests in the foyer of the Main Building. Having received a badge and souvenirs as a gift at the registration desk, you can immediately join the quest with augmented reality elements «Hetilop». Or you can postpone it for later and first visit the classrooms where representatives of the institutes will be waiting for you.

At 3 p.m., an organ music concert will begin in the White Hall and will last an hour. The entrance is free of charge.

From 14 to 16 hours in the Museum of History of SPbPU (132 auditorium) will be the presentation of the book «Polytechnic University. The Beginning.» In addition, the museum has prepared a new exposition «125 years of the forge of engineering personnel of Russia», where visitors will meet with rare finds.

When you walk through the corridors of the Main Building, we recommend you to pay attention to the updated gallery of portraits of outstanding Polytechnics, and on the second floor look at the exhibition «timeline of achievement».

Come with your children, they will not be bored, the kids will enjoy the interactive program «Young Polytechnic». Even the youngest ones will be interested!

And after 16 hours you are welcome in the native walls of institutes, faculties and departments.

So, we meet on February 17, 2024, Saturday, in the Main Academic Building (29 Polytechnicheskaya Street). If you have not yet registered for the reunion, you can do so here.

A lot of useful information about the upcoming celebration — in the group VK «Polytechnic in the heart, heart — in Polytechnic».

On February 19, at 10 a.m., a thanksgiving service will be held at the Church of the Protection of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

At noon a volley from the cannon of the Naryshkin bastion of the Peter and Paul Fortress will sound in honor of Polytechnic.

At 13:30 in the meeting room of the Academic Council of SPbPU together with the Russian Post will be held a ceremony of stamping of jubilee envelopes.

And at 15:00 in the White Hall a ceremonial meeting of the Academic Council will be held.

The 125th anniversary of SPbPU is a significant date, with an eventful path and a whole constellation of outstanding graduates behind it. And all these years the University has been and remains the support and backing of Russia in the most critical moments of the XX and already XXI century.

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