International Students Project Marathon
St. Petersburg Polytechnic University has developed a unique learning format within the framework of international educational programs – a Students Project Marathon based on joint students project activities.

The Students Project Marathon is a format of interaction between partner universities, consisting in the development of joint projects by students, postgraduates and profes-sors.
- Mixed international team: bachelor and master degree students, PhD, professors from partner universities.
- Project task: meet current scientific and technological topics, is in demand by the industry, and cor-respond to the key directions of the world science development.
- Joint research: research and experiments, sample testing, development of new technologies.
- Mutual mobility: collaborative learning, intercultural communication, research work in a partner labora-tory, teaching as visiting professors.
- Summing up: project results are evaluated by members of the expert commission - professors of both universities, representatives of customers, investors, and external experts.

Key points
Objectives of the Project:
- uniting of young scientists from different coun-tries, creating sustainable long-term scientific rela-tionships, retaining talents
- development of academic mobility
- research results and joint publications
Benefits for the students:
- project research experience
- international team experience
- intercultural and interdisciplinary communication
- increase the employability and opportunities of successful scientific career
- world’s leading universities, SPbPU strategic and key partners: implementation of the educational program
- R&D centers and laboratories, Russian and inter-national industrial companies and business com-munities: customers of scientific tasks, projects and places of internship, implementation of R&D results
Benefits for the university:
- sustainable long-term relationships between sci-entific groups
- quality of education, involving students in science
- international reputation
- international projects and grants, joint publications
- cooperation with industry
- academic mobility, visiting professors program
Results for 2018 – 2020
- Partner Universities: TU Graz (Austria), Technical University of Madrid (Spain), University of Cadiz (Spain), TU Berlin (Germany)
- Scientific areas: IT technologies, materials science, bio-medical technologies, linguistics, energy
- 95+ participants
- 15+ projects
- 10 joint scientific publications
- 6 applications for international grants
- 8 international conferences
- 7 ERASMUS+ Mobility grants